The Barend Bacon Behind the silicone: interview with Britney Spears by Ben “I wrote way too many articles for the Bacon” Kundman local boozehound 8.K.: How are you doing today Britney? 8.5.: Oh my god, I’m like totally way super excited about my new movie. * 8.K.: So you’re doing good? 8.5.: My new movie. Crossroads, is like totally in theaters now. 8.K.: Are you even listening to the questions I’m asking you? 8.5.: Crossroads is a heartwarming tale about three girls going through some of the trials and tribulations most young women experience just out of high school. B.K. Wow! That actually didn’t sound completely moronic! 8.5.: Yeah, my like manager made me learn that so I would sound, urn, like what’s that word? 8.K.: Intelligent? 8.5.: No, urn, like the little one. 8.K.: Smart? 8.5.: Urn, yeah that's totally it! 8.K.: You’re a moron. 8.5.: My new album will be out like totally soon! You should buy it! B.K B.S. Madoi Lack of New Dean results in Voter Initiatives Another funny article by Ryan Anthony by Ryan “I have a poop fetish” Anthony funny article writer In the longtime absence of a permanent dean here at Behrend, voter initiatives have gone into effect. Under this ruling, students make the key decisions at school by propos ing new laws, which are then put into effect if two thirds of the student population votes in favor of the proposed law. The first law to pass under the student ini tiative is to bring Behrend back to its roots by making it into a farm again. Homeless MIS major Jarrid Bullard proposed the idea before student government at a meeting last week. Bullard, who has been living in the basement of Turnbull Hall for the past nine semesters, said that Mary Behrend’s ghost appeared to him on several occasions, swear ing to haunt him until the campus was con verted back to a farm. “I was asleeping on that there couch them nice business folks got down there and I was all snuggled up under my blanket of unread Beacons when something awoken me. I ‘bout near fell off my couch when Old Lady Behrend told me we was destroying her farm.” According to Bullard, Mary Behrend warned that if the school did not become more farm-like, Ernst Behrend and his dog Bruno would go on a haunting spree. Due to this newly passed initiative, the occasional squirrel and skunk are not the only animals appearing on this campus. On an ordinary day, students and faculty now come across a variety of barnyard animals, includ ing horses, pigs, ducks, chickens, dogs, goats, cows, sheep, and donkeys. “This place is a zoo,” reported one student. “I cannot even walk from my car to class without almost stepping in some kind of ani mal (excrement).” Another was overheard saying, “Those damn chickens keep trying to peck my eyes out. I hate those peckers!” With the addition of these animals, the Uni versity has had to make a few changes. First, maintenance workers no longer have the trying to be Marilyn Monroe? You will never be as beautiful as she is and all the makeup in the world won’t help. 8.5.: Like who is that? And of course I’m better looking than she is, I’m like, totally the hottest girl in the world. B.K. So what do you think of the Bacon? B.S. It’s really small. 8.K.: Well, it’s a student run newspaper at a small college and I think its pretty dang good. B.S. I wasn't talking about the newspaper, but I see why your nickname isn’t Big Ben. 8.K.: Bitch. B.S. Whatever! B.K. So how is it dating that one loser from N Sync? B.S. Oh my god, Justin is like totally great, I mean people think we’re just dating because we're both super hot and real famous and junk, but we have a lot in common. B.K. Like what? 8.5.: We’re both pop superstars with nothing but drug addiction and gas pumping to look forward to after our careers end. B.K. Nice. One last question Britany... Real or fake? 8.5.: Oh my god! Justin is such a dud in the sack of course I have to -or luxury of sitting in their trucks while they “work.” The maintenance crew now rides horses as they peruse the campus looking for dirt to shovel back into place. Additionally, snowplow-equipped trucks will no longer be used during the winter weather. Rather, team of oxen will pull a plow across campus in or der to remove the snow. According to H&SS, this will beneficial because the same team of oxen will be able to till the Behrend fields in the growing season. “With all these animals running around I feel like I am going to school at Westminster College,” stated one student. “The next thing I know, an Amish guy will ride by on a horse and buggy.” As he said this, an Amish guy rode by on a horse and buggy. Bearing most of the stress caused by the initiative is the School of Business, whose office in Turnbull Hall has been restored as the barn that it once was in the first half of the century. Clucks, moos and oinks can be heard from classrooms on the main floor of Turnbull as the animals roam free on the floor below. On the positive side, students no longer have to walk through snow to get to class. Instead, they can ride the animals as long as they are quick enough to catch them. “It’s tough to catch a big pig running freely around the apart ment quad, but once I caught it, I rode that hog all the way down to the Academic Build ing,” said one Communications major. Also, most of the animals squeal or snort with delight over the swill Dobbins provides from leftovers. Unfortunately, an abundance of swill leads to an abundance of excrement. Pooper-scooping will be offered next semes ter as a gym class. As can be expected, a chapter of PETA has formed on campus, comprising mostly of hip pie English majors. 2: I meant your ibs. 8.5.: Oh well like my mom says since silicon is like, from earth, and now it’s in my boobs, then they’re real cuz like fake would mean something else. Friday, March 29, 2069 Inebriated fun games exposed! by Mike “I love women" Butala local feminist Mike Ross Titus Halfpipe 17,441 417 212 Foothag 155,000 10,400 16,800 Surfing 90 Skating 4000 40 440 BXM 12,510 0 2,420 Flying Disk 570 150 Not as fun as one would think, a true test on one's ability to play Nintendo and the test of a person s ability to drink. This was a one-day festival of drunken debauchery and hand eye coordination. The combatants were Ben Titus, Ross Lockwood and Mike Butala, the weapons of choice. Golden Anniversary pounders and quarts of Country Club Malt Liquor. The first event of the day was a California Games Tournament. Mike was sponsored by Milton Bradley, Ross by Kawasaki and Ben by Maxx Out, which no one has ever heard of. Although Mike came in first in every event. Ross Lockwood was awarded the Gold, Ben with the Silver and Mike with the Bronze. When asked for a comment. Butala said, "I dunno, computer glitch.” R.van Reinhardt added that the person who wins in Skating should be the first person to make the broad fall on her lace. No one laughed. As the games continued, technical difficulties arose when RBI baseball would not work and therefore proceeded to Jordan vs. Bird Slam Dunk competition. From the get go. Ben Titus showed weakness in the first round scoring 4, 2 then 1 on his final dunk. I his eliminated him from the rest ot the competition leaving him with 28 drinks of beer and Ross and Mike to the finals. In the finals, the normally highest scoring, yet hardest dunk, the "Back Slam", was the weakness of both finalists, resulting in a score of 4 for Ross and 2 by Tony DiPlacido bacon fry cook Here at the Bacon, we bring the news about everything that goes on the the known universe. So we thought, why stop there? You, the reader, deserve to know it all. So I, being the noble reporter and journalist, jour neyed into an alternate dimension to see what is going on in a reality that never ex isted. In this alternate reality, which we will call Tonyland to avoid confusion, I am a straight A student, and have to shake the girls off me. Some guys, too. In this reality Osama Bin Laden wins the Nobel Peace Prize, and Mike Butala wins the Poet Laurate. Robin Williams is Dean of Behrend. The TKE’s are nice to me. Boy Bands don’t ex ist, and MTV is ruled by Jazz and Rock. Hairbands didn’t go out with the 80’s. Vince McMahon realizes he makes Pro Wrestling suck and has his son Shane take over the Bacon ‘Production Night’ pics Babes in Tonyland for Mike. However, the “Toss Slam” as the opening dunked clinched the victory after Ross’s feeble attempt of “Kiss the Rim” in the final dunk of the game, leaving Ross with 41 total drinks and Mike with 24. First place was awarded to Ross, followed by Ben and then Mike based on the fact that drinking the most is encouraged. The next event was Ice Hockey, not to be confused with Blades of Steel. Mike chose the USSR, Ross chose Sweden and Ben with Czechoslovakia. It was a round-robin tournament ilk with Ross and Ben up first and ended up with 14- 14 tie at the end of the third, resulting in a shoot out, when Ross outscored Ben 2 to 1, resulting in Ross with the win and a total of 31 total drinks award to all three Inebriated Fun Games participants. The next game between Ross and Mike ended up with a 9-8 victory on the side of the Soviets. Five fights broke out all resulting in penalties to the Swedes only. The end tally of the game was 27 drinks for Mike, 32 drinks for Ross and Ben left to get more booze so he didn’t drink any expect for the car ride there. When Titus returned, he faced Mike and lost in a close 13 to 11 game resulting in the undefeated showing of the Soviets but since only alcohol consumption matters, Ross got the Gold, Mike with the Silver and Ben with the Bronze. Tecmo Bowl was the next game played, as Ross was the top seed, Ben and Mike had a battle to WWF. Teachers make more money than Bas ketball players. In Tonyland the the currency is in the form of little guitars, but everyone has plenty of it. Love isn’t questioned. The word “war” isn’t in the dictionary. Everyone is the same religion. My girlfriend lets me get a tetoo. “Jackass” is still on the air, and is the num ber one show on PBS. Michael Jordan re tired for good eight years ago. Tiger Woods is my Caddy. Jon Bulushi is alive and still in movies. That reminds me, Saturday Night Live is still funny. Courtney Love is a mis sionary. Crammys have meaning. Howard Stem is a preacher. Rush Limbah is the de partment store Santa Claus. Cameron Diaz is an excellent actress. Tonyland is a place where people sing in stead of talk in normal conversation. A 1 Gore is President, but he’s not a liar. AC/DC perfomed at Behrend instead of Sugar Ray, and the place was packed. ABC stops peri odically taking “The Job” off the air. Mov- Law & Order on the tube, three 40’s of Pepsi, and three Bacon editors laying out pages on a Wednesday night - it just doesn’t get any better than this. the death, Ben as the Raiders and Butala as the Giants. Bo “Knows Candy” Jackson ran for like a million yards and ran for the victory of 27-7. As Ross talking trash on the game, a very defensive game broke out between Titus and Lockwood. Lockwood even took the woman’s way out by kicking a 35-yard field goal in the first half, but that wasn’t enough as Ben rolled over him resulting in the Raiders’ 14 to the Bears’ 3. Ross sulked. After much blowing and jiggling, RBI blasted the heavenly rhythm that bring tears to everyone mourning the victory of the Twins in the World Series in 1987. Ross went to get even more beer leaving Ben and Mike to play the first and unfortunately, the only game of Drinking RBI baseball. Titus picked the Mets, starring phenoms such as Doc Gooden and Darryl Strawberry as Butala picked the best baseball team in the world. Yes, you guessed it, the 1987 Detroit Tigers, featuring “Sweet” Lou Whitaker and Jack Morris, who started the game for Detroit. By this point, many stats such as hits, strike outs and walks were unable to be read the next day, the only recording is that Butala won 7-3 over Titus, resulting in Butala drinking 92 drinks and Titus with 199 drinks. In conclusion, the Inebriated Fun Games were a huge success and if RBI Baseball had worked, the tournament would have been much different. Butala still upheld his title of best California Games Footbag player of all time. Ist Ben Titus - 453 drinks 2nd Mike Butala - 338 drinks 3rd Ross Lockwood - 299 drinks ies based on videogames are very profound. The Pope can do the Duck Walk, Morals are important. Divorces don’t hap pen- AIDS doesn’t exist. Pups don’t exist. Unicorns do. People try to be more like Andy Kaufman. The sword Excaliber is wielded by Scott Stepp from Creed. The National Anthem is “You can still Rock in America” by Night Ranger. Roger Daltrey is the King of England. The Steelers won the Superbowl this year. When people say “I love you” they always mean it. Alas, I had to leave Tonyland and come back to a world where capitalism rules life, and the mojority of students think Uriah Heap is a chocolate shake. But I can go back when ever I want, and each and every one of you is invited to come with me. Most of or all of the stories and/or photos for this issue of the Barend Bacon are en tirely fictional; that is, they are not real; that is, they do not really exist! They are made up and names changed (for the most part) to protect the guilty. These four pages represent figments of our ITER IUNCIL; \NKS THE IGS, editors ’ demented minds. No offense is directed toward anyone in this issue and no one should take offense! Laugh a little for once, it’s April Fool’s Day! Now keep reading and enjoy the real “Behrend Beacon”for this Bacon Disclaimer: week!