Pontiac Spokesperson: “We build really, really ugly cars.” One of Pontiac’s better looking ugly-mobiles, the Aztek, by Ben “I go for the younger broads” Kundman resident engineer A spokesman for Pontiac announced earlier today a radical change in their slogan. The Pontiac logo since 1966, “We Build Excitement” will be replaced by “We Build Really, Really Ugly Cars.” Mitch Buchanan, the Vice-President of marketing for Pontiac, was contacted concerning the sudden name change. “I was sick of people confusing our car company with others. I would be at a party, and when people would ask me what I do for a living, I would tell them 1 was a VPof marketing at a major automotive manufacturer. They’d ask me which one, and I’d reply “We Build Excitement.” Most people would say something to the effect of “So, you work for Audi?” I’d then have to explain to them that I worked for Pontiac, and when they wouldn’t know which car company that was, I would simply say ‘We build really, really ugly cars.’ After that, they would immediately know I worked for Pontiac. The name change will affect Pontiac’s sales tactics considerably. “We won’t be denying the ugliness of our cars any longer: we will embrace their horrific styling, just as someone would fall in love with an extremely ugly stray dog. We want to be recognized for our ugliness. Research finds commuters up to 87% louder than residents Noticing a trend of students speaking more loudly than ever before, the Psych lab conducted a thorough investigation to try and find the environmental and/or physical causes of LSS or “Loud Student Syndrome.” Decibel levels of 100 students’ speaking voices were collected and analyzed. The trend that the Psych students found was not based or ethnicity, gender, or economic status - but rather depending on rather students lived on campus or off. Decibel levels recorded just outside the Commuter Councils’ door in Reed registered 105 dB. “That’s louder Question of the Weak ! >‘S& r -' "j get enough broads, I don’t need a new bar to see some tatters." Chuck Slime Colt, 45 The horrendously ugly styling featured on the Pontiac Aztek, as well as the Pontiac Vibe GT (which we call “Ugly Jr.”) makes the driver look really attractive in relationship to the ugliness of the car. It’s kind of like when you’re at Giant Eagle and you see Spam, Manwich, and Hamburger Helper all next to one another. Normally, Hamburger Helpers doesn’t look all that great - but put it next to Manwich and Spam, and that stuff looks line fine cuisine!” In fact, the reason we make such ugly cars is to help extremely ugly people get laid. Here is a testimony from a satisfied Aztek owner: “I had trouble getting women to wait on me at restaurants, let alone give me their phone numbers. I went out and bought a yellow Aztek, and now the women won’t leave me alone. Compared to my car truck-SUV-mini-van thingy, I look-like Tom Cruise.” “The Vibe GT was created because we had scores of letters from younger buyers saying ‘Hey! We want ugly cars too, but we can’t afford them Azteks!”’Apparently they weren’t satisfied with the Grand Am and Grand Prix models, which we affectionately call “Lif Ugs GA and Lif Ugs GP.” Pontiac’s new slogan will hopefully revitalize this ailing GM division and usher in a new era of automotive honesty. than a jet taking off and almost as loud as an elephant having an orgasm!” commented Ronnie Jon Jon, Psych 018. The Psych department was unable to find a real cause of the excessively loud commuters, but Jon Jon did offer a theory: “We think there may have been one extremely loud, popular commuter who caused many of the other commuters to suffer hearing loss. They in turn began talking louder to one another, and this effect snowballed across the entire commuting population.” "I was actually thinking of starting my oum magazine, I could write an article about it!" Hugh Photography, 87 * Insert date here* FILE PHOTO /Oplfe "Where can I get an application?" Asia Carrera Psychology, 34D Vote for Kundman in 2016 Although I’m not all that good looking, lack what they call “charisma,” have poor personal hygiene, and possess less intellectual capacity than a Gardner snake, I feel 1 have the “right stuff’ to be President of the United States in 2016. Most presidential candidates will issue scores and scores of campaign “promises,” of which little to none are actually kept. I, however, will be different than any other presidential candidate -1 will issue campaign “likelies,” which means no one in the nation will be let down if I don’t get around to doing anything. Some of my campaign likelies include: “I am likely to solve world hunger if I recover from my hangover in time.” “I am likely to find a peace resolution in the Middle East so long as a snowball freezes in hell” “I am likely to have a staff made up entirely of 18-21 year old females.” “I am likely to force secret service guys to participate in a random straw drawing every morning. The secret service agent with the shortest straw will be forced to spend the day in a 3 piece suit with clown makeup and big pink clown afro. This secret service agent’s only form of communication will be with a little red toot horn. “I will likely eradicate hackers from the face of the earth. These rat bastards have tortured you, me, and my nice innocent PC for long enough. Guess what, buddy? 1 got picked on a lot in high school too. I still expect to have garbage thrown at me when I skateboard down the street or to hear shouts of “skater fag” every time I walk down a crowded hallway. Do you see me writing viruses that wipe out vast collections of MP3’s and internet porno in some Hot Spots in Erie Figure 1.1 - An artist’s rendering of Freddy Krueger by KoolKarl collector of Garbage Pail Kids You want hot? How about thousands of degrees, baby? Garbage sucks and smells bad, but if you burn it, it goes away. After all, if it wasn’t for the Behrend incinerator Behrend would be a landfill and we would all have to wear waders to go to class or risk disease. How else has the incinerator benefited Behrend? 1) It’s the only warm place on campus, 2) It destroys evidence, 3) Famous ghoul Freddy ' •:t : 1 | Vff?l £ I. l ' .. "Yeah, me too, where can I get an application?" Jack Education, 01 ‘The Behrend Incinerator’ sort of pseudo-masculine revenge tactic? No. The only thing hackers are good for is getting free software for me. Other than that, they will be shackled in their town square and stoned to death (and not with bong rips.) “In order to promote unity among all genders, ethnicities, and social classes, I will likely hold bi-weekly keggers on the Whitehouse lawn. Every kegger will have free mini hotdogs and a kick ass band, like AC/DC or The Clash.” “I will likely drive around in bullet-proof A-team vans accompanied by several Dukes of Hazzard cars rather than the typical limousines. “I will likely abandon all military Humvees for an giant army of Shriner cars equipped with 50-caliper machine guns.” “I will likely replace land mines throughout the world with ‘land mimes,’ mimes loaded with 56 pounds of C 4.” Figure 1.2 -An artist’s rendering of Kool Karl Krueger credits the Behrend incinerator for making him famous. The list could go on and on. Hot fire and burning plastic definitely go hand in hand, making the Behrend incinerator a definite Hot Spot in Erie. Author’s Unrelated Note: The lab I escaped from has been hot on my trail and I fear they’ll find me soon so I must begin creating my brood. Any suitable females wishing to procreate for offspring may send the Bacon a resume; tremendous leaping ability and flexibility along with the capability to see in the dark are a must. "Hey, you put that !#@s@@s on the stage and I'll @s#%#% the !@#@ss% out of that !©#s%." Andy Women's Studies, 06 The Barend Bacon PHOTO BY BELLO Figure 1.3 - Slasher Asher, one of the missing cards out of KoolKart’s Garbage Pail Kids set.