Death on the toilet is honorable Anthony humor columnist Do you have a penis? Oh, you don’t? Well, that’s too bad, because having a penis makes you a guy and being a guy is the most stupendous thing in the world. This is probably not news to you because it’s been a well-known fact for as long as humans have been on the earth, but if you did not already know this, let me explain why. First, I would like to cite several examples. The following are all guys, and who is cooler than any of these people: Charlie Daniels, George Patton, Johnny Cash, Franklin Roosevelt, Elvis Presley, Winston Churchill, Genghis Khan, Andre the Giant, Babe Ruth, John Wayne, Frank Sinatra, Lee Marvin, and Thomas Jefferson. Because of these men, superpowers were crushed, drunken home runs were slammed, the world’s greatest nation was ruled from a wheelchair, Las Vegas exists, wild marijuana grows in fields surrounding a plantation in Virginia, servants poi knoeked ud, bad guvs eot shot up, there is an “Eighth Wonder of the World,” and death on the toilet or during sex is honorable. These are some of the celebrated males throughout history, but we average guys can take pride in our manhood as well. Certain parts of our lives make being a guy as awesome as it is. There are the obvious things like having a keen sense of direction and the ability to guzzle beer. Without these, we might have to stop to look at a map or be shot down at a restaurant. You can always rely on beer to be there for you, no matter where you go. Conversely, drinkers of girly mixed or designer drinks (“I’ll have a Louisiana Lemonade please”) cannot always get what they want. Aside from a jacked up CJ-7, what greater thing on wheels is there than a pickup truck, and I am not referring to a two-wheel-drive pickup. Why do those even exist? A beater 4x4 is going to get you and all of your possessions from point A to point B, even if there is a mud pit covered with three feet of snow in between. Next, I would like to tip my hat (that’s why guys wear hats, so we can tip them) to a fellow editorial columnist. I believe it was Amanda Prischak who wrote a few weeks ago about the ridiculousness of Abercrombie and Fitch. Like her, I own my share of clothes from there, but they are all left over from when I was young and dumb. After taking 40-some college classes, I am now just young and a little less dumb. Guys wear the clothes that they have and do not need to have new clothes with labels on their chests, shoulders, sleeves, and collars. We can go anywhere not giving a damn what we are wearing, but with a shower, shave and two-button suit, we have the ability to surprise even our own mothers. That is the beauty of guyhood; most of the time clothing does not matter, but when it comes down to business, we can knock your socks off. All girlfriends out there, please take special note of this next point. No matter how much a guy is in love with you, always remember that to a guy, the greatest woman who ever lived and ever will live is his mother. No questions, no debate, no controversy. No woman will ever take precedence over his own mother. Period. Finally, the distinction of being a guy is unsurpassable because we know who Tyler Durden is. Granted, I know some females out there who also know who he is; you are cooler than most girls. If you are a guy and do not know who Tyler Durden is, go rent “Fight Club” and live by it. You might as well buy it because it is a movie you should be watching on a weekly basis. “The things you own end up owning you.” I’ll be the first to admit that I have too much stuff, so if you like my stuff, just ask and I might give it to you. I can live without it. Anthony’s column appears every three weeks. The Elephant says... There is no doubt that the Sec ond Amendment to the U.S. Con stitution extends to the individual right to carry firearms. To say it doesn’t would be the same thing as saying that individuals in this coun try don’t have freedom of speech, individuals don’t have lreedom of religion and individuals don’t have freedom from illegal searches and seizures. The framers of the Con stitution knew the consequences of an overbearing government. Taxation without representation, the quartering of British troops in homes, and a plethora of other abuses laid out in the Declaration of Independence. Fighting alongside the Continen tal Army during the revolution were private citizens, citizens who owned guns. Next is education. Parents need to educate their children about the dangers of guns and the proper way Every other week, the Dems. and Reps, will address and debate current issues in the nation. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to email suggestions for topics. Send ideas to behrcoU2 Sex, drugs, and rock n roll don’t come cheap Kundman intriguing campus information or c.) good for a quick laugh before going into the bird cage. Most people on campus will pick c.), as the Beacon seems to be acquiring new readership as of late. What most people on campus don't realize is that, The Beacon is not put out by a bunch of chain-smoking monkeys in Korea, although the writing sometimes resembles it. I am Erie - the mistake by the lake each weekly installment of the beacon there exists yet another tired harangue about how much Erie sucks. Not only do 1 have to read the endless complaints against my home town, but I also must hear them each time the weekend arrives. While many people’s griev ances are valid, I am beyond tired of hearing the same things that have been reiterated to me since I was in high school. Like I previously stated, I am a bom and jH" s Charlton Heston The Beacon is a.) a waste of paper h.) an endless source of bred Erieite. My origin never bothered me until I entered high school. I felt I was too ambitious and cosmopolitan to live the rest of my life in Erie and for three years Amanda Prischak made elaborate plans to escape the clutches of the Great Lakes fegion. Around this time last year, I received my one-way ticket to a life of fun and excite ment in New York City in the form of an ad mission letter to Barnard College. However, due to some funny circumstances and events, 1 am back in the “mistake by the lake.” 1 agree, Erie does not offer a plethora of cultural events or adventure. But what did you expect when you decided to reside and study here? Erie is a working class city, a small one at that, tucked away in a remote corner of a pretty boring state. It is silly to have great expectations of Erie being the back ground to the ultimate college experience. out tail, in Friday ; March 29, 2002 to handle them. I’m all for gun edu- cation and keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, but you can’t do that by passing nonsensical gun laws. Criminals will still get their guns illegally. Thats why they’re criminals, they don’t obey the law. Now, let me dive into the startling facts segment. First, you are 80 percent more likely to be killed by medical malpractice than to be ac cidentally killed by a gun in America. Second, between 1992 and 1997, in a study done by the FBI, the number of guns in America rose by 25 million. In those same years gun related crime decreased 40 percent. Finally, in Victoria, Australia, where it is now illegal for citizens to carry handguns, homicides are up 300 percent. Malt Czegan sitting in the lovely Reed building at 11:29 p.m. on a Wednesday night working on layout for the editorial pages. 1 really should be at J.D. and Squirrel’s getting crushed with my homeboys, but The Beacon owns my heart, my mind, and my body. Bitch, bitch, moan moan. I realize everyone on campus (well, with the exception of all the liberal arts majors) has a ton of work to do - but we at the Beacon do an inordinate amount of work for 2-3 credits and an occasional pat on the Wider than the Erie Daily Times, roughly 15 pages long, and sporting a snazzy color front page, the Beacon kicks the crap out of any of the area college papers. What’s the difference between the Beacon and Mcrcyhurst’s, Edinboro’s, or Gannon’s paper? Their writers and editors get paid with our The Donkey says... Gun control. Why is it that we as a country waste so much time arguing over something so simplistic? In our two party system ol government, the Republicans always attempt to convince their misguided followers that till Democrats arc against the ownership and possession of guns. T his is just not true. Most Democrats only want people to use their common sense when dealing with dangcious weapons. I’m a Democrat with a big "D." and I own a handgun, multiple shotguns, and rifles. But the entire argument is a moot point. I am not even going to get into all of the statistics and studies that say handguns kill children, because I feel that irresponsible parents kill children. The portion of the argument that I want to focus on is the Constitutional part. Republicans like to talk about their Second Amendment rights, at least the second half ol them, so lets take this moment to review a little Con-Law. The Second Amendment reads as follows, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a tree state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Just by looking at the Second Amendment, it seems fairly straight-forward, right? Wrong. It is impossible to take the language in the Second Amendment without looking into the Constitution to see how it was used elsewhere. The Republicans would like you to believe that a “well regulated militia" is something as backwards as the NRA. But when the word “militia" is cross-referenced to Article I Section 8 of the Constitution it clearly refers to an organization that is under the power of the Congress of the United States. Article I UM To Push ou?0 a _ D M *R Btoci- school money. The only money any Beacon editors get is from ad revenue, anil the writers get no money and less respect. Gannon staffers get 1/2 or full tuition, and payments for individual stories. Mercyhurst pays $5OO for top editors and $250 for section editors. (Again, from the school, not from ad revenue.) Mike “The Lion” Bello puts m 25 hours a week for three credits and a little bit of cash Rob "1 date high school girls" Wynne puts in 30 hours a week for three credits and enough money for a ban el of Heineken. I. the humble humor/editorial page editor and writer/lover extraordinare put in 15 plus hours a week for two credits (which 1 don't need.) and the admiration of several pimply, chubby. IX year old freshmen (males, of course.) Actually most of the admiration now goes to Mike Butala for his inane sexist ramblings. The Beacon, in my opinion, is a darn good The only background you will be provided with is a bleak one from the live-month long winters, The weather is another favorite gripe from fellow students. After 19 years in Erie, I will not lie; Erie has a disgusting weather pattern. Extremely unpredictable with endless winters, Erie hardly has an ideal climate. But once again, what did you expect? Erie sits on the edge of a lake that is constantly creating weird weather patterns and is almost as far north as Canada. One should expect harsh winters and the fickle rises and subsequent drops in tem perature that put the dreary before Erie. Sometimes 1 wonder why 1 defend Erie when I myself can barely stand it at times. Part of the reason is that I will always have a soft spot for my city by the bay. This was my stomping ground and 1 will always miss it in a way. Another reason for my defense of Erie resident? Section 8 lends as follows, " The Congress shall have power to provide for callin'! forth the Militia to execute the Laws ol the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and tor governing suet) pait of them as may he employed in the service of the Untied States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of (raining the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress." Since the Republicans are embracing the Second Amendment why aren't they embracing the entire C (institution.’ Because most Americans do not even know what their Constitution savs Dili I miss the part the where the Congress ol the United States of America appointed Charlton Heston the head of our national Militia .' I didn t think so. But all of the Republicans are so hell bent on standing up tor their ('(institutional rights, why aren't they being organized under the power of our national government to protect our borders from invasion and helping the government suppress insurrection. Because it is already being done by the National Guard. So next time any of you plan on taking a plane flight, gist thank your lucky stars that it is the National Guard euardine our airports and not ourother “militia," the NRA! J'. : a »&R ■LOCK • Feoerau '//'/// • state /i '' /, • GLOBAL vj . Solar _ U f U // —«S=>'- S|S ' paper. Yes, ue do have some typoes and grammerr errars. hut try and find any major newspaper that goes mistake tree every issue and I'll pise vou ms favorite stuffed Care Hear. Heaeon svnters. editors, and photographers ssork extremely hard on a paper svhieh makes all of the other area college papers look like a 5 year old s Crayola artwork on the back of his f iat N' I'aik place mat. Yes, I am proud of our ness spaper - a lot of people ssork very hard in this office (my Hell away from home), in their rooms, and on campus to put this paper out every week. When students are ssorking lor eredit or for a small compensation, a fairly pood product will result. When students ssork for lair compensation, an amazingly pood product ss ill result. is that there are so many other ssorse places. Hor instance. I can only ssonder ss hat students in lidinboro or Grove City do lor entertain ment. The aforementioned places are truly in the middle ot nowhs*re and I think after four years in either tossn I ssould he on the brink of suicide. In closing, il sou find I Tic so utterly un bearable. pay a s ixit to sour advisor and make plans to transfer Just stop weighing every one dossil svith your perpetual bitching. At the very least, count your blessings.. .alter all, Canada's drinking age is still 19. The Be hr end Beacon “^5^ L. Kundman 's column appears throughout the semester. Prisehak \ column appears everv three weeks. Page Troy Frederick V\\ lAi / es.