'Tis the season for safe skin by Sarah Orr health page editor Skin care is very important to many people. Often times we think of creams, cleansers, astringents, exfoliating buffs and moisturizers as the key elements in producing clean and radiant skin. Our skin is the largest organ of the body and sustains an enormous amount of wear and tear during an ordinary day. However, the avid use of sunscreen daily is often overlooked. Skin cancer, particularly the most malignant form of melanoma, is a silent killer. Neglect of sunscreen is prevalent in the winter because it is assumed that most people stay indoors because of the inclement weather. It is forgotten, however, that many people enjoy and participate in outdoor winter activities such as sledding, skiing, snowboarding, and even building snowmen. Because of the reflective quality of snow, double exposure to the damaging light is a threat. Reapplication of sunscreen is also Stay in by Ryan Anthony staff writer Our recent weather makes it seem as if winter is far off, but keep in mind there are only two more weeks until it is officially a new season. That also means there are a little more than three weeks until a new year. Fall has been holding on for dear life as long as anybody can remember, but eventually Old Man Winter will flex his muscle and put an end to these spring -like conditions. This extended warm weather has given more people time to run, take walks, play sports, or just be outside. The trend on this campus is to see people outside all the time from August until the first snowfall and then not a. ain until A ord. The onl Holiday blues? Common feelings that tend to pay us a visit around the holiday season can include stress, anger, frustration, sadness, loneliness, grief, lethargy, and even resentment. These "visitors" often make themselves known as the season changes from autumn to winter and the holidays grow closer. The holiday blues, as the name implies, tend to be temporary and seasonal, as opposed to depression, which is longer lasting and may require treatment. Problems or emotions repressed during other months tend to surface during this time of year due to a myriad of reasons, most notably lack of sunlight and high expectations revolving around holiday festivities. By taking a timeout to assess what the holidays mean to you, you can recreate a new belief pattern about the season and make some changes that address your needs and desires. Here are a few positive thoughts to help make the holidays better. • Be realistic about your expectations. Unfortunately, the holiday season does not have the power to change the lives of those around you. Problems will not magically disappear and you will not find the solution to all that bothers you. • Create a list of all the things and people that energize you and seek Them out. Avoid people that you find draining and disempowering. Support from other people can be a wonderful remedy for the blues. • Just say no. Saying yes Here are five easy steps to follow in order to get through finals week. I.Manage your time 2.Eat healthy 3.Study with others 4.Study in a quiet place 5. Get a good night's sleep!!! another preventive measure that can be taken to protect the skin. Even though the product may say that it lasts all day. nothing truly does. Water, sweat, and time diminish the amount and effectiveness of the sunscreen on your body. Put on the minimum number of 15 SPF before traveling outside. Higher SPF in the winter may be appropriate when many of us have lost the golden tan of summer and our skin in more vulnerable to a burn. Most people should use double the amount of sun block that they do. Checking the skin for unnatural markings periodically throughout the winter months is also highly recommended. Checking moles, beauty marks, and birthmarks for discoloration or changes in shape is another great way to detect what may be the early signs of skin cancer. Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in the skin. Melanoma begins in pigment cells and evolves over the course of several years. So after several suntans when you were a child and shape with a wi time anybody ever comes out of hibernation during the winter months is the 10 minutes before every hour when students are on their way to or from class. The rest of the time it seems everyone is hiding indoors, afraid to be outside because they might realize they enjoy the cold and snow. Life does not have to be this way. Just because there is snow on the ground does not mean that you cannot go outside and be active. Why should you spend all year working out, only to give it up during Erie's four-ish months of winter? There are a number of activities and exercises you can do to keep fit in the winter. Just make sure you know your shoe size because all of these activities involve ditching the runnin. shoes and stra • sin. when you really want to say no breeds resentment. You'll be a more loving friend/relative if you feel relaxed and happy. Pay attention to the demands you may be experiencing, especially on your time and money. • Although you may not celebrate the holidays, giving, especially when feeling blue, can be uplifting. Consider covering a shift for a co-worker who longs to be with their family on their holiday or donate your services during the winter months for those less needy. • Take some quiet time every day to get a sense of how you may be feeling. We tend to lose sight of our feelings when we find ourselves too busy. If you've recently had a loss in the family, are physically separated from a loved one, or are having relationship difficulties, common feelings can include sadness and grief. Crying can be a healthy expression and is very natural. By repressing our feelings, they'll only last longer. • Acceptance. We can't change anyone but ourselves. Try and set differences aside and accept family members and friends as they are. Those perfect holiday gatherings portrayed in pictures and the media don't exist. Remember that true happiness comes from accepting ourselves wholly. Wishing you inner peace and a quieting mind... THE PERSONAL COUNSELING STAFF -Ashley Hurst in your teenage years, the effects may not be seen until 15 to 20 years later. A lot of people, especially girls, will visit the tanning bed during the winter months to keep the golden hue year round. This is very dangerous as well. Winter break trips to the beach provide another opportunity for a baking binge in hopes of losing the pale look of winter skin. Visiting the dermatologist regularly may be in order if you are light-skinned and have a family history of skin cancer. Darker skinned people who have a lower risk for developing skin cancer and have no family history of it may only need to schedule a trip to a dermatologist once a year. Check-ups with the dermatologist, monthly self-skin-exams, applying sunscreen lotions or moisturizers daily, and avoiding the sun during the prime hours of 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. are simple ways that you can safeguard against the hazardous effects of overexposure to the sun and potentially skin cancer. something else to your feet. First, grab some big, hard plastic boots and a pair of skis and hop in the car. A 20-minute ride will take you to Peek'n Peak and a couple hours farther will take you to a much grander resort, Holiday Valley. Both ski resorts are in New York. If you are a novice, stick with the Peak. Hit the slopes this winter and you will burn almost 400 calories for every hour you are out there shushing down the slopes. While you are having all that fun with your friends, you will also be giving your legs, abs, and triceps a great workout. Snowboarding will burn the same amount of calories and add in a butt and torso workout. If you have never strapped on a pair of skis before and do not feel up to Ohio Hall "Street; Free Zone" LaWrence Hall Dec. 9,10,&12 De O. ti to Ow. 13th Free food will be served in the 2nd floor Free food will be served in the lobby lobby at 8 p.m. • at 7 p.m. Perry Hall Almy Hall Dec. 9th to Dec 13th Dec. 9 to Dec. 12 Free food will be served Free food will be served in the 2nd floor lounge in the lobby at 7 p.m. Apartments "Holiday Dinner" On Dec. 9 in the Community Center See your RA for details 100 Mile Mania Update Final thoughts I thought that it was a great way to get to the gym and get my mind off of school, but it took more effort initially than 1 first expected. lb. *god 04 . this - makes most • , dhilineuistim thimicringtic. This Is melanoma. the challenge of tackling snow covered hills, try cross-country skiing instead. This incredible activity will work out every major muscle group in your body while burning up to 500 calories an hour. Do you miss those walks you used to take through the gorge? If so, a pair of snowshoes will allow you to get back out there, of course, without climbing down the steep hills. Snowshoeing is a great exercise because the snow acts as resistance. This causes you to burn upwards of 500 calories an hour. Your legs and butt should definitely be burning when you are back inside, sipping your hot chocolate. Once you have given these outside exercises a try and are ready to stay a bit warmer during your workout, head Holiday Happenings Even though I didn't reach my goal, I am in better shape physically and mentally than I was before I started. Just wait until next semester! Ryan Brewer It was great for me physically and helped me get into shape instead of procrastinating. Mk IMO* 1,00 1 111 hpan't chunpd sinat Oh*, so Ws hmulina, says Dr. Friedman. A ;ME* round spot kin this is NM* saps Dr. Frischnin. Consids► k amok! ter workout Niagara Hall and the Suites Ask your RA and look for posters about finals week events. Allison Jawdy Final thoughts Miles: 100 Sundeep Bhatia Final thoughts With one side *Mon* dadear, this Wades the n.des of color and symmaby. This, too, is melanoma. The odd ship and sok, mike this weldswadhr It k dwmps. pt b an M.D.! SUNNY SEA Get These pictures of cancer-ridden skin are from an issue of Glamour Magazine over to the J. M. C. Ice Arena on West 38' h Street and lace up a pair of skates. If you have never skated before, you will greatly increase your balance and agility. An hour of skating burns 400 calories and works out your thighs. calves, glutes, and hamstrings. Winter is a great time to work out. The cold causes your body to work harder to maintain its temperature, so any activity you do outside will burn more calories than usual. Even if you are the type of person who simply cannot take the cold, do not let this be an excuse to not exercise. The Junker Center is open all the time, so do some laps around the track or in the pool or hit the weight room. There are plenty of things you can do to keep fit this winter. Miles: Miles: 100