Who says college must be boring? ACE COMBAT 04: SHATTERED SKIES System: Play Station 2 Publisher: Namco Available: Now Getting into "Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies - takes a little time, but the mix of alism and arcade play. along with a well-told story. give Namco's flight simulator stunt appeal. "ACO4 - moves without glitches and includes stunning visuals, and c terrific score and sound effects keep up the quality. The responsive controls feel )propriately rough, and the game plays extremely well despite the lack of any ajar sensation of speed. It's as good as flight simulation gets on a console so far. d "ACO4's" accessibility and thoroughness make it a must-have for all flight sim Not long ago, I was invited to a party. I didn't know what kind of affair it was, hut I was told it was "extra Shortly after arrival, a girl approached me. She asked me if I wanted some coke. I politely declined, "No thanks, I prefer Pepsi." The female looked at me strangely and I noticed she had white powder around her nose. "Oh!" I exclaimed, "I know what kind of party this is now!" I wiped some of the white powder from her ose and tasted it. Disgusted, I asked, You call this a cooking party? WherC the hell did you get this powdered sugar? It stes terrible!' Crossword ACROSS 1 Mel or Woody 6 Allied victory site of 1944 10 Supernatural power 14 String quartet member 15 Dog or fox chaser? 16 Bid first 17 Fix firmly 18 Biel Saarinen's son 19 Reclined 20 In particular 22 "Key 23 Warble 24 Tellurian 25 Actress Teri 28 Overly fastidious 30 Potpourris 32 Soak 37 Toadies 40 Wrapped 41 Complimentary items 43 Cloyed 44 uneu Ine spirits of 47 A Home 48 "From Love" 52 Varnish parrot 9 Ear: pref. 10 Grinding tooth 11 Separated 12 Stable sound 13 Pester 21 Assistance 22 Some two- ingredient 54 Concerning 55 Three month period 59 _ of duty 60 Orange coat 61 Barrel part 62 Relaxation 63 On the calm side 64 Exposed to the public pointers 24 Kett of the comics 25 Tiger's talent 26 Having wings 27 No longer green 29 Siesta 31 Amen! 33 Lifelike 65 Play lead 66 Cattle collective 67 Peruses DOWN 1 St. crossers 2 Walk with difficulty 3 Ear part 4 Current conductor 5 Lowest point 34 Comic Johnson 35 Adolescent 36 Icelandicliterary work 38 _ monster 39 Salton or Sargasso This fountain of youth will make you feel like a kid again by Billy O'Keefe Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service Kool Karl's Kraz 2001 Tribune Media Services, Inc AM righle reserved. Solutions 6 " by Starlight" 7 Latticework structure 8 Brightly colored 42 More austere 45 Slurred over 46 GOP rival 48 Time charges 49 WWII marauder 50 The March King 51 More certain 7 Korner! "Funny Nose" 53 Tablelands 55 Roofer's supply item 56 Skater Lipinski 57 Tied 58 Ohio team 60 Collegiate cheer mil ma Friday November 16, 2001 "1:1" crams the entire 2001 season onto a disc with all tracks, racers and teams accounted for, piling on custom seasons, car tweaking and stat tracking for good measure. "H" looks great, boasting multiple viewpoints and excellent weather effects as well as some awesome broadcast-quality sequences and replays. The sound lacks similar punch, and the addition of some form of commentary should he on top of the list of improvements for 2002. Nevertheless, "FL is a tough, loaded racer that should please the sport's more dedicated fans. DAVE MIRRA FREESTYLE BMX 2 Publisher: Acclaim Max Sports Developer: Z-Axis Available: Now for Play Station 2, November for Gamecube and X Box Play Station 2 garners have been itching for a new extreme sports game, and "Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2" should tame that itch. The game offers many customizable features and a stunt engine that is a little glitchy but loads of fun. "Dave Mirra's" huge levels look and feel great, offering plenty of room for imagi nation without any slowdown or pop-up. The game's physics engine acts up at times hut is nothing that can't he overcome with practice. The create-a-rider mode works nicely, the park editor is simply loaded, and the game's soundtrack is re freshingly diverse. "Dave Mirra's" has its share of glitches and shortcomings, but once you start playing. you'll wonder where the time went. Anyone caught stealing hart's Ideas wilt be at tacked by rabid Yetis and then, after king mau(ed, +hey wi(( be thrown into a bite of manure...face down. We we(come your huNiorous submissions. Send +het% +0 behrcoUseao(.colv• The Weekly Funnies DITHERED TWITS byftnwakne "I knew your hip would go out if you KePT ON DON' THAT!" X-MEN: REIGN OF APOCALYPSE "X -Men: Reign of Apocalypse" is a straight-up brawler in the tradition of "Final Fight One." What "Apocalypse" adds is the ability to choose from four heroes, each of which boasts a cache of special attacks capable of wiping out the high number of baddies that come at you at once. "Apocalypse" features some nice gameplay that is repeti tive and sluggish at times but generally stays hot and fun. To top it off, a battery backup allows players to save progress and control defeated bosses in the two-player versus mode. "Final Fight One" still takes the cake as the Game Boy Advance's best brawler, but cautious X-Men gins should feel safe plunking down the cash for this one. "F 1 2001" toes the line between simulation and arcade game, pitting extremely simple controls and objectives against a slightly in ing learning curve. Getting into "Fl" is a breeze; mastering the game's cs and winning races will take time. The reward for such patience is huge: tr 7 'j:1) oh.", System: Game Boy Advance From: Activision Available: Now Fl 2001 System: Play Station 2 From: EA Sports Available: Now PAUL t~:~, ; Recipes for You! ISO Rich Caramel Pudding Ingredients: 4 ( 14 ounce) cans sweetened condensed milk 4 pints heavy whipping cream 114 ounce) jar maraschino cherries Remove labels from cans of milk and put them unopened into a large pot of gently boiling water. Boil for about 3 hours. Make sure the water doesn't boil away or the cans will explode (or so I'm told). Beat the whipping cream, and fold into the "caramel sauce" (cooked, cooled con densed milk). Mix in the nuts and cherries. PP.-- We want your recipes! Send your submissions to behrcollsQaol.com. Don't cop out and raid your mom's recipe box. We want recipes from college stu dents, for college students! 11...,,,,,, Aries (March 21-April 20) Social events will be easily disrupted this week. Over the next few days expect a sharp increase in last minute messages and revised group plans. Remain lighthearted. Taurus (April 21-May 20) New friend ships and light romance will add to your emotional wealth this week. Take a little extra time to explore fresh proposals or new Gemini (May 21-June 21) A fresh approach to love and long-term commit ment will now bring renewed intimacy. Over the next few days expect your emotional resources to greatly increase. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Private thoughts or family criticism may now play a key role in long-term romance. For the next few days many Cancerians will experience Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Social duties may soon he complicated by past disagreements. Before Wednesday expect loved ones to ask for more of your time and attention. All is positive, so do not worry. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Late Tuesday, a colleague or work official may suddenly assign new projects or ask for help with complex decisions. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Confidence and workplace focus returns early this week. Watch for misinformed colleagues to soon Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) Financial restrictions may become complicated early this week and then will be quickly resolved. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Romantic invitations may be difficult to resist over the next nine days. Expect subtle flirtations to be highly seductive. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) Business relations may change without warning this week. Expect a sudden expansion of ideas Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) Rest; renewed strength and extra time spent with romantic partners will soon reaffirm your disagreement with a friend or colleague may soon be revealed to be more complex than originally thought.information or controversial insights. 1 cup chopped almonds Preparation After 3 hours, take the cans out and cool in fridge. When chilled, open the cans and put the contents into a bowl. uit of Cr The Behrend Beacon , ( 1-16 -- ' 4 ioscese*/' 4. 4 . v. activities a shift of romantic priorities rely heavily on your decisions or life experience. or assignments faith in human nature Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) A recent Y O'KEEFE WMPO.MRBIUY.COM Page 13a