The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, October 26, 2001, Image 9

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    n Up-Close Look At...
The Cast of 'Sand Mountain'
Jeanine Noce
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Jeanine Noce, a third semester Commu
nications/Broadcast Journalism major,
plays the role of Rebecca in the play.
"Rebecca is a very independent and
strong-willed woman," said Noce. "She is
not afraid to express her true feelings to
the men that are courting her. She is an
outsider who has just arrived in town and
every man wants her to be his woman. -
Her hobbies include acting, singing and
dancing, and she's involved in the Honors
Society Lambda Sigma, and the Behrend
Choir. She is also the Arts and Entertain
ment editor for the Behrend Beacon.
Jeanine has also been in such plays as
"Babes in Arms,'' "Oliver - and "Anything
She advises anyone who is considering
acting to "remember that every time you
receive a part, there will be two more times
that you won't receive anything at all! Keep
your head high.-
19 "\ - 1
,( , T .-- ,
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1. Why waste time and money showering at home? Steal some soap and shower under the
sprinklers in the produce section. Warning: One must act fast for the sprinklers shut off after
approximately three minutes. Make sure to wash the soap from your eyes! If you can't see, secu
rity will kick your ass as you attempt to escape! If successful, dry off in the paper towel aisle.
2. Have you ever weighed peaches in the produce section and found, to your dismay, that you
couldn't find a combination of peaches that weighed three pounds? If so, here is what one should
do: Take the peach and nibble on it, until enough peach has been eaten, making the scale weigh
three pounds.
I hope you find this helpfu
1 Director Raoul
6 Dirty air
10 Break sharply
14 Ciao, on Lanai
15 Bell sound
16 Chanel of fashion
17 Art dabbler
19 Border (on)
20 Stiffening agent
21 Keystone Kops
23 Van Dine's Vance
26 Moves like a crab
27 Wrenching
31 Dickens hero
32 Itsy-bitsy
33 Identifiers
35 Large, roomy
38 Diligent insect
39 Tonic's partner
40 Urban RRs
42 Not up to snuff
43 Do beaver's work
45 Usher after
47 Omega's cousin
48 Set down
50 Deteriorated
52 Polished
55 Actress Davis
56 Listening device
58 City near Council
62 Evaluate
63 One way to sit on
a horse
66 Anon's partner
67 Be sure of
68 Rock full of
69 Marries
70 Rational
71 Flynn of film
1 Quantities of
2 Dismounted
3 Hit by the Kinks
4 Everest guide
5 Coming out of
one's shell
6 Fat farm
7 Fellows
8 Mr. Ed's dinner
Kool Karl's Kraz
© 200'
All righlo reserved.
9 Mirths
10 Powder used in
11 Annual award
12 Keenly
13 Actress Annie
18 Mountaintop
22 Puppy bite
24 Graphic
25 Any person
27 Stolen money
28 Actor Sean
29 Struck back
30 Author of 'The
34 Christian and
36 Swiss artist
37 Frome's vehicle
41 Prehistoric
51 More down 59
52 "The Taming of 60
53 ho
44 Ambles
46 Droop
49 Positive reply
54 Schoolroom
furniture 64
57 Singer Turner 65
Luka LoDico, a fifth semester Pre-med
student who carries three majors, performs
the part of Clink Williams.
"Acting a certain role is only hard until
you break through the barrier of letting your
self be someone else, which is up to the ac
tor. After that point acting is just doing and
saying what you have experienced a person
like that to say. I enjoy watching characters
like Clink Williams and I like playing them
even better," said LoDico.
LoDico belongs to the Matchbox Players
and has acted in the play "Philadelphia."
His favorite actors and actresses are James
Dean, Catherine Zeta Jones, Angelina Julie
and Brad Pitt, to name a few.
LoDico advises anyone interested in act
ing to "do it! Everyone acts in one way or
another in their lives, the key is to be able to
use all those experiences of their lives (and
use them) in acting and how they would like
to act."
"The Produce Section"
Ray of "God's
Little Acre"
Howard of "Annie
Get Your Gun"
Put on
She sheep
..1 -1
Luka LoDico
I /V
Anyone cough+ si - ea(ing
Karl's Ideas wit( 6e a+-
-tacked by rabid Yetis
and then, after being
mooted, they will be
thrown in-to a bite of
manure...face down. We
welcome your humorous
submissions. Send them
+0 ttehrcoUseao(icom
The Weekly Funnies
Friday, October 26, 2001
Ed Gabrys
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Ed Gabrys, a seventh semester English Lit.
eraturc major, earned the role of Slate Foley.
He is a seasoned actor, having been in such
plays as "Guys and Dolls," "Anything Goes,"
and "West Side Story," to name a few.
Ed likes weight training, hunting and role
playing, and his favorite actor is Russell
l le believes that anyone considering acting
should remember, "acting is basically fooling
the audience believing that you're somebody
that you're not. When you step out on a stage,
you shouldn't be an actor playing a character,
you should he the character. -
Pertaining to the role, Gabrys said, "this
character has been more challenging than
most, because I'm used to playing comic re
lief characters. Playing slate has required me
to adopt a more intense stage presence. He's
basically a crude, Filthy, abusive man, who's
used to getting what he wants through intimi
by Karl , Benacci, features editet
Recipes for You!
ihr :94
You will need Keebler® fudge striped
cookies, Hershey® Kisses and a tube
of orange decorator icing.
Turn cookies upside down so that the
chocolate side is up. Use the orange
decorator icing to pipe around the
hole in the center of each cooke. Place
an unwrapped Kiss on the icing circle.
Finish by piping around the base of
the kiss and drawing a little bow
We want your recipes!
Send your submissions to
And don't cop out and raid your mom's
recipe box. We want recipes from college
students, for college students!
in Coward Of The Count
this week's photos by Rob Wynne
- Part 2
Steve 0' Donnell
Steve 0' Donnell, a first semester Com
munications major, performs the roles of
Vester and the 14 children.
"I find my characters very easy to play. I
haven't had to adapt much because the pail
is a reflection of me. - said ( )'Donnell.
O'Donnell belongs to the InterVarsio,
Christian Fellowship, and aspires to he a
man of God.
He has acted in such plays as "Okla
homa,- iddler on the Root' and "A
Christmas Carol,'' to name a few.
O'Donnell advises anyone interested in
acting to "not take it so seriously. If von
go to the audition, go to have fun rather
than getting a part. It is all about having
fun. If you feel that it is a hit inure compli
cated than that, then acting is not for you!
He admits that he is excited fur the play
and is looking forward to seeing the
audience's reaction to his roles.
Witches Hats
The Behrend Beacon
- -
r E. Davis