Guy Reschenthaler, Wire Service Editor The Behrend Beacon Bush rejects Taliban offer to negotiate; FBI confirms terrorist-anthrax link President George W. Bush and director of the newly-created Office of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge by Iton Hutcheson Knight-IZi(klcr Nc sp,ircis Fedcral\ csti , 2atut s ,( )kcd n links Sunday hcm the Clli thrax careill Ne \\ Yolk. I HI ida ;tad Nevada and lilt Scpt. 1 I tLIIt)I tacks, a Prcsidcnt Bush rejectcd an otter to ncp)tiat,‘ mad,. Afghanistan's Tali ban In Boca latuit, Hit nl Sunda \ cunl thc lust hak between the hijitcktm_! ,w,pcct, .111,1 American NIC(11:1 Inc., the tthi id conii)an\ and our ut iii pulal, 011. w. ha 1)y an :nahra \ attack. I lic tiwi editor \\ oils\ for , A rral estate firm, rented a Delia\ licir.ll apartment this,unnincrtolvvooliijaLh ers killed in the Sept. I I suicide in The Suit employed photo et!' lot Boh Stevens, \Alto died earlier Mk month from inhalation ohilithrto, i.\ ti other AM I employees v. cic and five more are heille itqc,ti•tl confirm positive hlood test result. In Ne‘A York, :Mavor Rudolph Giuliani said a police officer and iv. o lab technicians who had helped u .es tigate an anthrax case at Nl3(' v ere being treated for exposure to the bac teria. 'File three unidentified patients did not develop symptoms and are expected to be fine. That brought the number of people confirmed to have conic in contact with anthrax to 12 in the United States since Sept. ii. In Nevada, officials said they do not expect anyone there to de \ clop the disease. "We are very optimistic that we will see no human cases of anthrax from this incident," said Barbara Flint of the Washoe County district health office in Nevada. Attorney General John Ashcroft said he has "real suspicion'' - but no hard evidence - that the anthrax cases are tied to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Ile also said that federal investigators are looking for nearly 200 people with possible ties to the Sept. 11 attacks. Meanwhile, U.S. warplanes contin ued to pound targets in Afghanistan Sunday, as bombing raids against the Taliban and ()salmi bin Lade is ter rorist network entered the second week. Returning to the White House after a weekend at the Camp David presi dential retreat, Bush bristled with an ger when asked about reports that the Taliban was willing to negotiate the fate of bin Laden. Deputy Prime Min ister Haji Abdul Kabir said the Taliban would consider sending bin Laden to a neutral third country to stand trial if the United States would end air strikes in Afghanistan. "There's nothinll to ncgotial. about," Bush said. "They're harbor ing a terrorist, and they need to turn hini t)% L I I•or ihc tir t time. he cleNcribed Chrktiiin relief v,orkeis being held in \ IphAni , tan Malt aid tv,oAtnericalh, are \\ trial! in Kalitil Sul _'liitFLLL' ot pi(2:1.11111 (111kCE.11111), a Clinic' I)\ In Atl2llllll',Llll. 1311,h ~ a1(.1 thc! `NI - 101.11d turn ii\ L r hin I,adcii and Ili\ li)llower, in al tcri on camp, in At- :211;ini,1,:in And - lclczi,c the 11()sta4c, \ Ir l i. 11,.• \ fain Ladcn, I 11...rc . , nccd ) tliuu,~ II I 1 rn~r kilim tic\ 2tillt\..• I hi I)tithicak, of anthtar ~ entjittcrs lIIRI ilic :11t)l)e, lcdtliin2 to a lash of :11:1111) In I povle acimicd 'ante! hui v Catlic(lral after ‘.vurker it:ported ,ecitig a Juan drop White po\\ der. In (letained a I.ulthati.a airhlanc alter a found a ‘‘liite powder undcr ,cat. Ft2Llci ( )11icial\ expresed bars that the I;il,e alarim ould ert attention im Ashcrof t warned that the federal \ eminent would pros ecute am kine who attempts exploit :milli :ix I ear:, U.S. officials from Rush on clown sought to calm the nation while ur)i- Mg continued vigilance. In earlier videotaped remarks to the American Society of Anesthesiolo gist, Rush offered assurances that the country will emerge from what he called "one of the darkest moments in our history - with a victor) , over ter- WI I`,lll "I ,et me be clear about this: We will win the war on terrorism," Bush told the cloetors In Afghanistan, air strikes cut off electricity in Kandahar, a Taliban stronghold, according to reports from l'aLiq in Taliban spokesman Sohail Shaheen acknowledged that eight straight days of bombing raids and missile attacks had taken a toll, but he added, "The real war starts when ground troops en- ter Afghanistan. - In marked contrast to the talk of ne gotiation from other Taliban leaders, Shaheen said the regime would never surrender bin Laden. He told ABC that U.S. air strikes had killed at least 400 civilians. "It is better to be destroyed than to surrender to might and arrogance," he said. U.S. officials remained focused on the threat of more terrorist attacks and the baffling outbreaks of anthrax in Florida, New York and Nevada. "There's no question that it's bio terrorism," Health and Human Ser vices Secretary Tommy Thompson tt )1(1 CNN. "Whether or not it's con- nected to al Qaida, we can't say con- clusively." Friday, October 19, 2001 CHUCK KENNEDY/KR T PHOTO In Boca Raton, Sun editor Michael Irish's w ife Gloria rented unit 1504 at the Delray Racquet Club to Marwan Alshehhi and Saeed Alghaindi this summer. 1131 spokeswoman Judy Orilmela Alshehhi NA as aboard United Hight 175, the second jet to strike the World Trade Center. A lghamdi was on United Hight 93, which crashed 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh \\ hen pa,,,en- gel th al Ic(I an dtICI lJ) Iu an otim Ihere is now a link hetween the editor's wile and the terrorists Orihueia said. But just ac quickly, she said the 1131 wasn't draw.ini.l. inunedi- ate concitiiott "Right nom it Imiks like a coinci dence,- Orihuela said from outside the tabloid's Boca Raton headquarters. "We are not searchinv. the apaitinent at this time. We are locusinii on this build- Only one other person besides photo editor Stevens has developed the dis ease - Erin O'Connor, an assistant to NBC news anchor 'loin Brokaw. O'Connor is expected to recover alter being exposed through a cut on her The third anthrax incident occurred in Nevada. where investigators traced the bacteria to a letter that was sent from Malaysia to a Microsoft subsidiary's office. Ashcroft speculated that terrorists may have targeted news organizations for anthrax attacks as part of an effort to undermine one of the hallmarks of American democracy. "If people hate freedom, they ought to hate information that allows free people to make good decisions," he said on CBS. "If 1 were a terrorist, I would want to engender fear that was irrational, and I would want to curtail the availability of information in a free press." Ashcroft said federal authorities were still looking for nearly 2(X) people who may have been involved "in one way or another" with the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. "I don't want to be more specific about how they might' have been in volved. That's one of the things we're trying to ascertain," he said. Ashcroft said it is "very unlikely" that authorities have captured all of the terrorists who were involved in the Sept. 11 attacks or others who had been planning separate attacks. "We are doing everything possible to disrupt, to interrupt, to prevent, to destabilize any additional activity," he told NBC. The attorney general said he could not confirm a report by Knight Ridder Newspapers that terrorists had gath ered information for possible terror ist attacks against Walt Disney World in Florida. -4 j;la—a -e" 1 . 1 1 I\l Sid&liqi said America's backing of repressive regimes, its handling of the Israel-Arab conflict, and the LARGE -TO PIP , lit 4 G A IE r.pitos: 12/31 /01 .41 111 •Nt.l rose/ twit muy °shot onto (uptown r/1 trv.4l in eztT- „ (I. lOV,..fliditz.ol per periy pt. st , tl Choir., AE4O f ,11 I luJoittuoal Gorr out opty - •200! Ptlo3 Hko, tot. ll THE BIG NEW YORKER il I OR STUFFED CRUST $9.99 i . 1 I (one topping) 1 I Expires: 12/31/01 CAE4OI) ....411 1011111 ' N Nal velel **ft troy Whet txtiet COW.. 41 (Sl,O .1 t _ I Om coomeidisostad pet putty pet qui tette dewy I addlliadkol. Oka deirrery owl Tex ISI (Meet, f .1111, I • charge troll he 'Med e'li)f)l NEI NIA hu. I I. T i MEDIUM 3-TO PPI N G PAN i I OR THIN 4 N CRISPY PIZZA I I I - From the Koran to foreign policy, students struggle to understand by John Chadwick The Record (Bergen County, N.J.) Weeks after the terror of Sept. I some teachers and students at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, N.J. removed their shoes, listened to readings from the Mus lim holy book, and tried to answer the question: "Where do we go from here?" But even the Muslims who orga nized the forum expressed disagree ment and uncertainty as they struggled to cope with and compre hend the horrifying attacks on the World Trade Center and the Penta gon on Sept. I I. The discussion, which attracted about 50 people to the student union on the Teaneck-Hackensack (New Jersey) campus, started with a read ing from the Koran that said God cre ated different nations so man would have to learn to get along. A short time later, one Muslim said the United States could help that learning process by reevaluating its foreign policy. "If we really want to go forward and create this feeling of unity, do we really understand our foreign policy and what we are doing to the rest of the world?" said Nadeem Siddigi, a Hackensack, N.J. resident who said his wife attends the uni versity. r # , - ' t 1 PAN PIZZA $7.99 Carry-out only $7.99 Expires: 1 2/3) /01 Ma goy ottme ettet, coupon or crust. Claat coupon/4%count pef party per .nit ttaa ties~ witinicoal liontatai &Wary area tat thior onS bal o 4 4 e7loolt tura Nut. lot SUNRISE' NEW STORE!!! CHECK US our!!! MAY ALL YOUR PIPE DREAMS COME TRUE Assorted Pipes - Tobacco Accessories - Much More 112 Meadville Street (814) 734-1877 Edinboro, PA 16412 "111111111411114 P 01111111 P Be as discrete as you Specializing in Hand need to be Blown Glass Across From the Boro Bar sanctions imposed against Iraq help sus tain desperate conditions that fuel ter- I on sin "Do we really expect the next gen eration of Iraqis to grow up loving America?" Siddiqi said. The university's Muslim chaplain, however, said blaming the attacks on America's foreign policy trivializes ter rorism, which he called a criminal act. Khalil Ali tried to draw a parallel to the murder of James Byrd, a black man killed in 1998 when three white men dragged him from the back of a pickup truck in Texas. "People said he was killed because he was black, which subtly placed blame upon him," Ali said. "He was killed because the men who killed him were violent criminals. I don't think the world was attacked Sept. 11 because of foreign policy." Still, Leonard Grob, a philosophy teacher who also lectures on the Holo caust, said it was important to "get be hind the criminality" of the terror at tacks and understand that many nations view the world in strikingly different terms from the way many American view it. "I do see this as a heinous criminal act, and justice must be served," Grob said afterward. "But 1 think we can't stop there. We have to ask what's be hind the act and understand some of the reasons why America is so hated." With its large number of international students, and its location in Teaneck amid a thriving Indo-Pakistani commu nity, Fairleigh Dickinson has hundreds 814-899-2313 CALL US FOR DELIVERY ,C ... .u5 ... 06 ...0 41100. I ...--4 4 ` I fiflt'' Set 4 1.4. . der e illookietwit rte Ritim, vi rA alop Pan zza j izi k Stuffed Ciust Pi -gut 4402 BUFFALO RD. ERIE 2 LARGE 1-TOPPING PAN OR THIN 'N CRISPY PIZZAS + large order of io Loreatistic + 2 liter of Coca-Cola' $ 19•99 void myth any anw Q. moron o. trim o.on+ to pa. parry par k , Cairo cherry j(-1:146 aaktanana tanata 4•ll.ety Woo. Ta $ SI &Amery aorpe rA be o6i t 4 ('.)7001 PIM) Hut THE BIG NEW YORKER OR STUFFED CRUST WITH 5 BREADSTICKS, 10 I WINGS + 2 LITER OF COCA-COLAa' $16.99 42333) . I z P ir. „. I Plks, Expires: 12/31/01 Not rakl with cuty atimet ails, coup.* *I txtro Ofte touttuul6stott. pot plupv per OW. btu' 0. 4 64 odditiotwil Litutituf tto4very arra. laa 4 SI titotlrtcry duns witllN odded Pliiu Hut I. LARGE 3-TOPPING PAN OR THIN 'N CRISPY PIZZA $9.99 ixpkes: 12/31/01 Ike valid irieb Hoy *tiler .flee, tarpon or apse . Ono coupeeilibeeusi pee pouy per rtui Elmo release Pockbenal limned debeery sea ler & SI deleruy (barge well be odd Ie)2001 Pure Ho, lee of Muslim students, according to stu dents and faculty members. The audience seemed split be tween Muslims and non-Muslims. Some Muslims disagreed over the steps they should be taking to edu cate the public about their religion. The suspected hijackers had Ara bic names and are believed to have carried out their murderous mission for an Islamic extremist group linked to Osarna bin Laden. Ummi Nur Ali, a guest speaker, said Muslims shouldn't try to teach the public about Islam during the cur rent, highly charged atmosphere sur rounding the attacks. She said such efforts compromise the complexity of Islam. "It's a time for the religious com munities to come together, but it's not a time to teach Islam," she said. Others disagreed. Senior Islam Farghaly said many Americans know almost nothing about Islam, including its reverence for the prophets of Judaism and Christianity. One faculty member said Muslims must show that the terrorists misused Islam, just as others throughout his tory have misused religion to justify atrocities. "The Muslims must say this is a distortion, just like Christians must say the Salem witch trials were a dis tortion," said Gilbert Steiner, direc tor of the School of Computer Sci ence and Information Systems. 4ars, .4.0 1111 °' pp ZS -411 Page 5a