The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, April 13, 2001, Image 11

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    FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2001
And now the
' My Point?
Kim Zuck
Oh, yes. We are in the home stretch. Just
think, only two more weeks of classes, and
then one week of finals. After that it will be
smooth sailing! Do you think you'll make
it? I'm hoping that I will, but when it gets
to this hectic time of the spring semester I
often wonder, how am I going to make it
out of here alive (and sane for that matter)?
You know how it goes, the semester seems
to be dragging along and then all of a
sudden you realize that we're almost done
with this semester. At first, an overwhelm
ing sense of relief sets in and you're so
happy that it will all be over soon. For
awhile your face is set in a perma-grin as
you daydream about the upcoming summer
and all the awesome things you're going to
do in the warm weather. But then, undoubt
edly an impending sense of doom sets in as
you realize that you've got so much stuff to
do in these next few weeks that you feel like
crying, kicking something, or drinking
heavily. Then, maybe you do one or all
three of these before you force yourself to
deal with the reality of end of the semester
projects, term papers and finals. This is
definitely one of the most stressful times in
a college student's life.
So, how do we do get through it? Well,
we stay up until all hours of the night,
reading, highlighting, chain smoking,
writing, typing, and swearing. We drink
lots of caffeine or pop some Vivarins and
pray for the end of this madness. We
wonder where we went wrong and why this
hell is being bestowed upon us. We
question how our teacher can be so heart
less. We complain that we have done
nothing to deserve these mammoth projects
and endless term papers. We cringe at the
word cumulative and declare it blasphe
mous. We can't find time to go out with our
friends and even quarter draft night isn't in
the cards. It is a sad time in a college
student's life.
I don't know about you, but I'm getting a
little nervous right now because I have a lot
of stuff due in the next two weeks that I
could have been working on a lot earlier in
the semester. But, I had other things to do,
and who likes to do things in advance? No
one I know. I think I must like the pressure,
it's a motivator. I don't do a lot of my
things until the last possible second, when I
know that if I procrastinate one minute
longer, then there's no way I'll get it done in
time. That usually gets my butt moving, but
until that point, it's like I'm in slow motion.
Please tell me that a lot of you do that, too.
This might be off the subject, but take my
foreign language class for example. I had
two years of Spanish in high school, so I
was supposed to start off in Spanish 11,
unless I wanted to take Spanish I as a
refresher, but not get credit for it. Well, my
sophomore year I thought I'd jump right
into Spanish 11. But, on the first day I was
lost and really didn't feel like putting the
time into studying, so I dropped it. So, I
scheduled it again my junior year, but guess
what? I was lost, and I wasn't thrilled with
the teacher, so I dropped it again. Okay, the
second half of my junior year I scheduled it
again. I was set on really trying and putting
a lot of effort into it. I even went for the
first two weeks, but then guess what I did?
I dropped it! Why? Well, because we were
having a test the next week and I didn't
remember anything from high school and I
was sure I was going to fail. So, that same
week, I enrolled in Spanish I and it was so
much easier! This semester, I'm in Spanish
II and I'm doing pretty well and I'm so
proud of myself for staying in the class. So,
what I'm trying to say in this long and
drawn out story is, if I hadn't been so
stubborn and just taken Spanish I as a
sophomore, then I could have breezed into
Spanish II and then trudged my way
through Spanish 111 and right now I
wouldn't have to worry about taking it this
fall during my last semester. I could have
had an easier senior year and just focused
on my major classes, if I hadn't been so set
on procrastinating. Also, if I would have
dropped Spanish II one more time I
wouldn't have graduated on time. How
crappy is that? I could kick myself
So, what's my point in all this? Just to
sympathize with all the overwhelming stress
that you're probably enduring and to
wonder aloud about the sick practice of
procrastination. Let's hope that these next
few weeks fly by, and that all the effort will
have been worth it. Good luck!
Zuck's column appeared every three weeks.
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Tell us whatyou
Send a letter to the Editor!
Send all letters to:
In honor of the record-breaking weather
last week (both on the high and low scales),
I have decided to devote my last editorial of
the 2000-2001 school year to the "essentials
of summer preparation." Now as I'm sure
you all remember, you did this same thing
in preparing for the winter weather like last
September, was it?? But instead of weather
izing your car, wardrobe, and shoe selection
for hazardous situations, it's time to just cut
it loose. Pack away those mittens, throw
away those salt-destroyed sneakers, and
remove those snow tires, because as the
meteorologist said, we're done with the
snow for this winter.
Now if you haven't been exactly on the
active side during these past few blustery
cold months, it's time to start. Even if it
means taking a mile walk a couple times a
week, you've got to do something. I know
that the end of the semester pressure and
I know that everyone will be sad to
know that this is my last semester on
campus and also my last article (I know,
try to hold back the tears until the end).
So I guess I should probably write about
all the friends that I have made and all
the good times and fun that I've experi
enced during my four year stay. The
problem is, that kind of mush makes my
stomach sick so I'll bring light to some
people and memories that will probably
stick in my head for the next ten years
until I'm forced to fry them out with
drugs to ease the pain of my wife
divorcing me, losing my job, and being
forced to sell pencils on the sidewalk to
scrounge up enough money for another
jug of whey protein.
Plastics Engineering Faculty These
it •
• 44"
ng forthe summer...if it ever comes to Erie
t Chat tension is mounting, and your boss
still insists that you put in a full 40-
Change hour work week, but a little exercises
will make a world of difference. Not
istine only is it a way to shed those
ck unwanted winter pounds, but it's
also a great stress reducer, and
honestly, who couldn't use a little
fresh air and sun. The point is to
find an activity that you love, and I do
mean love, because you will be more
likely to stick with it, and eventually see
results. A progressive, time-conscious, and
inexpensive activity that you know you'll
always want to do, will be a guaranteed
winner in the fight against the leftover
winter bulge.
Everyone knows that the sun (in any
form) is damaging, but everyone could use a
little pink on his or her cheeks. If you limit
your outdoor time, use a hat, and apply a
light sunscreen, your sun time will go from
skin threatening, to skin saving. If you
know that you are going somewhere very
warm and sunny this summer, it may be a
good idea to get a little base color, only so
that you don't totally burn. By that. I mean
a few times out back in a lawn chair or
maybe a 10 minute session or two at your
local tanning salon. Anything more than
that, and you a really taking a skin risk.
If the sun isn't for you, and you've already
gotten your summer body back, then a new
do is calling your name. The key for
summer is low maintenance. Perms, heavy
professors were the center of my aca
demic college life. They truly had a one
on one with all the students,
Potatoes and this really meant a lot to
can Gravy me. So often we are
overlooked as students, and
Matola its a nice feeling to have
mit,v your professor walk by
and be able to joke with
them instead of the awkward "Hello Mr.
Smith, fine weather we are having today,
isn't' it?" Dr. Koch and Mr. Beaumont
are by far two of the finest professors on
this campus. I'll often sit in a S/H/A
class watching the professor read the
Power Point presentations to us putting
me to sleep, while Koch and Beaumont
were able to keep me alive, awake, and
My Senior Plastics Class I think our
class was the loudest and most out of
control to ever come through the program
and still able to get our work done.
Spending nights in the labs, screwing
around before class, our trip to Egypt,
and spending four years acting like we
own the campus are all things that I will
think back on, when some Jag-off says
"Hey, watcha go to skewl for?" Also a
shout to Jacob Rowley, who was able to
loosen up the tightness that is often a part
of the typical classroom setting, and on
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The Hot Debate of The Week'
Now, let it be known that I have no problem
with stripping. If I had the bod I'd probably do
it myself you can make some serious cash
doing the little behind shake for the menfolk
However, take into consideration that this
girl was a representative of her school. Her
track team, the University of California, the
NCAA 11i d,to =nut, studcnts,
players, atiktatheir The Ad:
own * , • --- that one of their
was mg heistottl itm, e e s n ol ti)o r for l n m io a n y e b y e l i s t not
exactly a'desired
isn't right that they do so, but that is not the
And to top it off, this girl signed a code of
conduct contract, which should have prevented
this very situation. She violated the rules that
she agreed to. End of story. Now, the guys
who attended the strip club and caught her
should also be held accountable under the same
rules. But that doesn't make her any less guilty.
Don't think the reputation of the school is a
legitimate excuse? Just remember the outcry
over the sex fair at University Park earlier this
semester. People argued that it wasn't right that
such a controversial and arguably obscene
event be held with the backing of a govern
ment-funded university. Students, faculty, and
administration on our own campus questioned
the legitimacy of the event because it aftCcts
Behrend's funding. Should that group's
funding be cut to salvage our own reputation
and state funding'?
Every week, two editors from the staff will debate a topic• that is
hot. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to email sugges
tions for the hot topic. Send ideas to
dyes and goopy styling products are not
traditional summer looks. Short, cropped,
cooler, more naturally flowing hair makes
summer styling a breeze. If you are afraid
to go too drastic with your summer do, try a
good trim, and maybe a few highlights.
Just like your body, winter hair can
sometimes weigh you down. Crisp, light
colors, and shorter, more free-flowing
styles are sure to be the answer to all your
winter hair blues.
A state of the art summer wardrobe is an
essential part of anyone's warm weather
preparation, but who has the money? You
do! A lot of chain stores like K-mart, Wal-
Mart, Target and Ames sell their own
versions of designer styles for a fraction of
the cost. Get creative! If you spent a lot on
a designer shirt, or pair of sunglasses or
sandals last year, find more inexpensive
coordinates to go with it this year.
Places like Value City and Dots sell
products for the season, just not this year's
season. As a result the prices are low, but
the products are still name brand and
fashionable. If you look for durable basics,
in your favorite colors and styles, mixing
and matching your wardrobe will be a key
money saver you will be able to take
advantage of this summer.
What better way is there to get pumped
up for the summer, than planning a road
trip? I would advise doing this as soon as
possible, though, because many family
vacation planners have already begun this
many many occasions able to make me
wet my pants laughing.
Behrend Weight Room I've spent
four years in the Erie hall dungeon, in
pursuit of pumping up and getting big.
Every time you walk down the steps
from the entrance, your hit by that god
awful smell, that makes your eyes water,
but you press on, only to see that it's
closed for a basketball game that has
less people watching it then would be in
the weight room. This is gone since the
addition of the ARC, but those veterans
who know the smell and have put up
with the 1970 s vintage garbage equip
ment can appreciate the character that's
been built from training in this rat hole.
SKA and Porcupine Hall Crew I'm
in the shower only to look out and
realize my towel was taken, and am
forced to walk to my room to get it by
covering up with a newspaper. The
wrestling, putting huge holes in the
walls, referrals, holding down chase, and
Beast Ice. These all go hand in hand
with the group of guys I lived with my
first two years. "And who says all that
plastics guys do is screw off?"
The Campus Well it has its faults, and
they are numerous, but it also has its one
good point: The....hmmm, I'll get back
to this one later.
it off!
Leilani Rios is no different from any other
student on the University of CalitOmia's college
campus. She attends class, participates heavily in
collegiate athletics, and holds d u a job. Iler
job as an exotic dancer may not he an admirable
one, but it pays her bills. As a student who has
been the first in her faintly to attend college, she
has recently been kicked off of the school's track
team because her coach found out she was a
stripper outside of school. Hey, it's "stoney isn't
Since when is the source Dia student's
personal cash flow the concern of a track coach'?
Sometimes, overly-paid and overly-pompous
collegiate athletic coaches forget that students
aren't raking in big paychecks like they are.
Students study, hence the tent similarity. In
Leilani's case, she was able to use her God-given
abilities to earn decent money so she could allot
time to study and participate on the track team.
Personally, I believe it is a violation of her rights.
Apparently she was legally hired at a legal
establishment in California, so what's the
Well, the other side of the argument will say
that she signed a code of conduct. This code
basically says that a student athlete should
represent the school in good taste outside of the
campus. This may he legitimate, but how come
nothing happened to the other athletic team
members who were attending this strip club that
first saw her performing? I suppose it's okay that
they actually paid money to attend this place.
L. Haves
task months ago. An affordable, interesting
route will not only make for a memorable
journey, but the unexpected is almost
always guaranteed to happen. Do some web
browsing to find the best hotel rates and the
most intriguing places to visit.
There is a catch. though. In order to have
money to travel you must have the dreaded
3-letter word, a job. Earning the cash to
travel will not only make it more meaning
ful, but it will also give you a huge lesson
on budgeting and living within your means.
If you haven't landed that dream summer
job or internship yet, I wouldn't delay or put
that off any longer. Most colleges have
about the same end of the year schedule that
we do, so if you wait too much longer you
will find your self mixed in amongst the
masses of other college students that didn't
seek employment earlier. Not only that, hut
with Easter breaks and spring breaks among
us, high school students will be on the
prowl for the jobs that you should have
gobbled up months ago.
As you can see, summer preparation
should be a time to refresh, renew and
revive your life, your health, and of course
your style. With a little creativity and a lot
of fun, you can make this summer (and
every thing that comes along with it)
inexpensive, intriguing and of course
memorable. Be safe, and have a great
Kleck's column appeared every three
Ben Kundman
week's article was to stick to positive
happy things, but I'm at a loss for words
when I think about the emotional
damage he has imparted by his presence
on this campus. The whole mullet ordeal
was his most recent exhibition of
profound expression. Ben has been
known to kick dogs, steal candy from
babies, and was the originator of the
infamous group named MATF (Men
Against Toilet Flushing).
If I've left anyone out it is most likely
due to the fact that you are a loser. No,
seriously although I would love to go on
it has to end somewhere. If I've learned
nothing else it has been that it is possible
to gain muscle mass (you wouldn't
believe this from looking at the weight
room characters), and it's very easy to
tick off a significant portion of the
campus, along with the whole Beacon
staff, because you get some positive
responses, then your head gets big and
you think you own the whole paper, and
start bashing the editors because they
censor out everything that got you the
responses in the first place. Well that's
about it, Matola out.
Matola's column appeared every three
R. Wynne
My scope of this