The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, September 01, 2000, Image 9

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The Fall Guys.-
At first, I thought it was
just me, that I was out
of some Hollywood loop
mer, where bad movies
were the hot thing and I wasn’t
cool enough to understand the art
istry behind films like Big
Momma’s House or the cinematic
genius of Hollow Man. But it
turns out I only saw two movies
this summer because the block
buster season seriously lacked ei
ther one of these elements. Okay,
so a lot of movies lack genius, but
common sense would be nice.
So as the mark of the end of
summer comes and goes (and
takes those hideous attempts at
Filmmaking with it), a whole new
season of films swoops in to make
amends (hopefully).
Oman legends:
Final Cut
In the tine tradition of Urban Legends
and / Know What You Did Last Sum
mer comes Final Cut. Three student
filmmakers at Alpine University com
pete for the coveted Hitchcock Award
in hopes of launching their profes
sional careers. When Amy focuses
her thesis film on those sinister sto
ries, fatal "accidents" star befalling
crew members and it is up to Amy to
catch the killer. Due Date: Septem
ber 22
No, it's not the director's cut of Coy
ote Ugly. Actually, this is a film about
Diana, played by newcomer Michelle
Rodriguez, who takes up boxing as a
way to cope with her past and live life
by her own rules. As co-winner of
the Grand Jury Prize for Best Dra
matic Film at the 2000 Sundance Fes
tival, Girl/iglit may just hav e the ca
pacity to offer a new strength for
women in film. Due Date: Septem
ber 29
lie BUI Day
In Roger Spottiswoode's near future,
cloning is not only possible, it is a
normal way of producing cattle, fish
and even the family pet. However,
cloning humans is still illegal, so
when family man Adam Gibson,
played by Arnold Schwarzenegger,
comes home to find another version
of himself, it’s obvious something is
not quite right. Plucked from his life
and his family, Gibson is in terrible
danger of assassins who are desper
ate to protect their secret. Due Date:
December 8
The Watcher
Arts & Ent
All iha Pratty Marses is a coming of age story about Texas
teenager John Grady, played by Oscar winner Matt Damon. Upon the sale of
the ranch where he grew up, Grady and pal Lacey Rawlins (Henry Thomas,
better known as "the little kid in E.T.") ride into the sunset, and into Mexico
where they are hired to break horses at a wealthy hacienda. There, Grady
falls for the ranch owner's daughter Alejandra, played by Penelope Cruz, and
the two surrender to an ill-fated love affair that results in murder. Due Date:
Late Fall
ASt AWay starring two-time Academy Award winner Tom Hanks
and Helen Hunt, is an endeavor for the human spirit while focusing on what
happens w hen no one is there to vote you off the island. Chuck Noland (Hanks),
a FedEx systems engineer, is a fast-paced professional who lives by the clock
and leaves little time for his longtime girlfriend, played by Hunt. But when
his life is dramatically altered after a plane crash, the descent into a new kind
ol humanity begins as he attempts to survive on a remote island. Due Date:
December 22
Men of Honor is based on the true life story of Carl Brashcar (portrayed
ters Billy Sunday (played
by Robert De Niro), a Navy
legend, both lor skill and troublemaking. Sunday is convinced of Brashear’s spirit
and tempts the system by helping the first African-American Navy Diver overcome
a crippling injury and a racist bureaucracy. Due Date: November 10
Boys Don’t Cry
Drive Me Crazy
Autumn films set out to
replace a summer even
superheroes couldn't save
by Deanna Symoski
by Oscar Winner Cuba
Gooding, Jr.), the son of a
Kentucky sharecropper
with no more than a sev
enth-grade education and
the dream of a career as a
Navy Diver. As a young,
black third-class sailor,
Brashear spends most of
his time writing letters to
get into the Navy Dive
School Program. Finally,
he is admitted and encoun-
Charlie's Angels
It sounds like MI:2 but with
chicks...we’ll see. For now, all we
know is that there are three private
investigators, lots of gadgets (what the
press packet called "high-tech tools")
and a man named Charlie. Based on
the ‘7os sitcom, the update stars
Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu, Drew
Barrymore and Bill Murray. Oh yeah,
and there’s some sort of plot about a
kidnapped billionaire and his secrets.
Due Date: November 3
As tensions rise in Vietnam, the men
of A-Company, Second Platoon, await
the inevitable orders of active duty.
Each faces the prospect in his own
way: for the writer, battle will be in
spiration; for the fighter, this is fate.
But when one rogue soldier defies his
position in Tigerland, the last training
exercise before Vietnam, the true in
nocence of boys thrown into battle
becomes abundantly clear. Due Date:
October 6
Vertical limit
A tale full of emotion and adventure.
Vertical Limit stars Chris O'Donnell
as a young climber who must endure
the torture of natural elements as he
embarks on a rescue mission up K-2,
the world’s second highest peak.
When his sister and her summit team
become trapped on the mountain, it is
up to O’Donnell to get to them before
time and the will to survive run out.
Due Date: December 8
When a gorgeous woman (ells you
she’ll grant you seven wishes, look lor
the catch. In the new comedy star
ring Brendan Fraser as Elliot Richards
and Elizabeth Hurley as the Devil,
temptation is every where, and wishes
need to be specific. Elliot is a clumsy,
but good-natured technical-support
advisor who sells his soul for a chance
with Alison, a female co-worker. In
the process, however, he is trans
formed into everything from a Co
lombian drug lord to "the most sensi
tive man in the world.” Elliot soon
learns the truth of the old adage: be
careful what you wish for. Due Date:
October 20.
**Keep in mind that all release
dates are subject to change.**
Any Given Sunday
Men In Black
Omen Collection
I—i1 —i Sic’ Em 0k
by Deanna Symoski
Are some musicians
fit for raising kids?
(and some other
riginally, this editorial was supposed to he about soi
I I thing completely different. I was coma to write 1 1'<■ n
X J F.minem's custody battle and how image shouldn't play mle .
his ability to raise his child. I meant to defend the tapper because, hey. I J >m
know' w hat he does in the privacy of his own home, and I ccriainK don't se
how he treats his young daughter first hand. I had this whole argument set uj
and then I conducted some research that forced me to listen to The SUuMus
Mathers LIT and something changed. I knew songs like "The Real Slim Shads
and I could even deal with "The Way I Am." hut "Kim" was so\ di
turbing that I got to thinking about what I thought. .And here's w hat i i un u
At this age. it's cool to defend anything that pushes the envelope an
gets muler the skin of a conservative public. We are still somew hat w iappe
in the leenaue cloak
of rebellion for
rebellion's sake. If
our parents hate it.
that's good enough
for us. Hut some-
where in that, the
idea of decency got
lost and we. perhaps
inadver t e n t I y ,
opened the flood-
gates to a society so
complacent with
gratuitous, and ex
ceedingly heinous
violence and sex,
that the mere idea of
proposing a standard
makes you look like
that whiny kid in the neighborhood who used to run home e\er\ lime he eo
dirt> . The l ight for freedom of speech has turned to making us point h\ .ho \
ing the most inappropriate and disgusting material it can muster rich! m on
laees. And because you agree w ith freedom of speech and loathe the idea . >
censorship just as much its I do, you consume the stench of the media A pr< >d
nets and then spend your free time defending it.
But the truth is. I couldn't write that first editorial because I don't real!,
know il l believed what I was writing, and I couldn’t fully get behind gi\ me .
violent, misogynistic thug his child just because I would please all Ins Into b .
saying so. Actually, I think Bin’s total environment is an unfit place I. ■> ,
child. And while we're at it, I also think that part of the reason mm ies l.nks
so miserably this summer is because the fart joke is getting old. ( 'reutiv m. >
being stunted by movie, music and television execs who are looking tor mu
cess by jumping on the bandwagon of bad taste. Rehashing the same tea
formula did nothing for the summer except to help consumers realize the'
would rather see heroes in Gladiator Mid The Perfect Storm than idiots m M,
Myself and Irene.
The question here is a timeless one. and you probable heaui voui p u
ents say it a few times along, the way: "if [insert friend's name here] iumpci l
off a bridge, would you jump, too?" The idea is to think for voursetl ami
the pressure of just going along with something t
most basic principles just because all your friends listen to it or watch it t
read it. Morality, a word I was reluctant to use earlier lor feat the mere Mein
ol it would make you stop reading, shouldn't have to lose its place m pep
culture. Instead, it should be okay to draw a line between acceptable and
unacceptable-it doesn’t make you that kid in the neighborhood, it makes you
an educated adult with the maturity to make that kind of statement.
what you think.
Each week, send an e-mail to
and answer the following question.
Title the subject line “fido yes” or "fido
no” and if you want to make comments
feel free to include an actual message.
The results will appear in this box the
things 1 think)
. we.
gates to a society so compla-
cent with gratuitous, and c.\
ceedingly heinous violence
and sex, that the mere idea
of proposing a standard
makes you look like that
whiny kid in
r , here’s whe
>u come in
re going to 1
>f you won’t
; the chance
eek. This week’
think violenc
gone too far
opened the Jlood-
the neighbor-
lial ullends ei. en \ i>ui