EDITORIAL NOMME Fall out of the Gap and find your true self! Everybody in Vests. Everybody in Cords. Everybody in Leather. Do you see a pattern developing here'? Hope fully by now you know that I am talk ing about the latest Gap commercials. I any frightened of these advertise ments, you should be too! Seeing the ads for the first time wasn't a big deal. New Gap ad, whatever. However, al ter seeing it 487 times in one week. I started thinking, "Who are these kids and why should I dress like them?" Each time a new ad came out I heard more and more people talking about them, "Have you seen the latest Gap ad'?" Honestly, why should we care about all the new and neat ways the Gap is trying to suck our money out of our pockets'? Or is that real IV what they are trying to do'? After the second and third new ads came out is when I really started to ponder the real meaning of these kids Shooting Straight by Bill Thompson October 06. 199(4 Knight-Ridder Ne‘%,pitpers Voters derive sonic definite henefits when they elect a candidate \\ ho is not a professional politician. For One thing, a nonpolitician iceholder is prohahly no worse than even niones to he a crook, whereas a pro is odds-in. Another ads antage of eleLtinL2 nonpoliticians is that thev niav not has to hire pollsters to find out ‘‘. hat the\ think -- and may act sa\ \\ hat the\ think if the opportunity presents itself. The major disad \ ant age. on the other hand, is that an officeholder \5 110 has not attended the Politicians' School of Advanced Political Correctness is Letters to the Editor: Students speak out about team prayers, tolerance and bigotry College life what you're used to In regards to pre \ ions letters ;thous the "man - on campus who is giving students a lot to talk about, "Who are they to judge what another person does with their life? - Not once did society say that you must he the Sallie sex throughout life. What does !nat ter that someone wants to change the way they look? Day in and day out. everybody changes the way they look. So what it somebody de cided to change their sex.. Why does it bother Chris tian Darling and Ray Morelli so much that they have to coin- ment on it'? Taken from a psychologist viewpoint: if this person was so insecure about the way he looked, he would not he in public places, such as a col lege for people to look at him. He knows people comment on his appearance, and even though some are regressing back to the caveman ways. move on from ridiculing him. Are your lives that sad that in order to feel good about yourself you choose to make comments on the per son who is different from yourself? Last time I checked, no one is to judge another. Who are you to judge? Are you God'? If so, let me shake your hand and congratulate you on being ignorant. Why does it bother you when you obviously don't talk to him? Who has actually sat down and asked this person his feelings about his choice in life'? singing to me. Was it really to sell me clothes? At this point I don't believe that anymore. I think the real reason these ads are so appealing to our gen eration is the fact that if you look be hind the hypnotic singing you can see the real message of conformity screaming at you. To me, it wasn't that blatant in the beginning, it sim ply was just marketing. Now though, the true message is undeniable. Be like everybody else. The message is even flashed for us on the screen. Ev erybody in, Everybody in, Everybody in...do you see it now? This is why the ads are so fright ening. They are subliminally trying to get us to conform to the way that they (the older generations) see us. Think about it, how many times have ou heard a person not of this gen eration say, "All you kids are alike. You are all hoodlums, pot-heads, likely to express ()pinions that some -- many? -- people find offensive. Can we say "Jesse Ventura," boys and girls'? As the governor of Minnesota v,restles with the latest round of con tro ers . ), caused by his breathtaking candor, residents of the Gopher State ho didn't vote for him -- and prob ahl some \xho did must he wonder ing hov, Ventura got himself elected. I he phrase "loose cannon" comes to mind. The furor involves a Ventura inter \ ie‘\ ith Playboy magatine in which the former Navy SEAL reportedly ripped organised religion as "a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people" and also nihninited the seriousness of the Na\ 's Tailhook scandal. R's amating to tie that people al ways say to practice what you preach, yet in Ray Morelli's article he ex presses that people have to accept him. " transgender is not a race or an ethnicity, or any ascribed characteristic...it is out of concern for the well being of that individual that we recogni/e he has problems, and needs our help." Has Ray Morelli graduated "Who are you to judge? Are you God? If so, let me shake your hand and congratulate you on being ig- norant." are you to judge? Although, me doust think you protest too much. Are you hiding something? If him being a transgender is dam aging to society as a whole, then our society would be done with. This man is not the first to go through with this process. We see this kind of stuff hap pen on Jerry Springer and think that we will never encounter "those people". Welcome to college, babies, you will encounter everything here that you were sheltered from. Jenna Mitchell DUS isn't and received a doctoral psychology degree•' When I read under his name it said DUS. How can he tell us These serious issues that he feels these individuals should he resolving are being resolved. It is not damag ing to society in any way, or to the person involved to admit that this per son was born this way. It has been medically proven that some people are born with chromosomes that read that someone needs our help? Get off your high horse Ray. If he wanted help, he would seek Is there really freedom of religion in America? professional help, not the advice of an idiot. As for you, Christian Darling, who We are living in a sadly misguided society. Here I am referring to the re cent decision by the NCAA commis sion to ban Team prayers. Now, I'm not trying to be some holier-than-thou bible thumper, but this ruling is, in my view, unconstitutional. I fully believe that, in the United States, we are entitled to freedom of religion. I am also fully against a per son or organization forcing religion upon an individual. I have witnessed such instances, and they do not end on a positive note for either the pusher or the pushee. However, I do not feel that team prayer is a violation of anyone's free dom of religion. The ruling should prohibit mandatory team prayer, per haps, but it should not penalize those teams who wish to participate in a pre game prayer. Those players who do not wish to participate for whatever reason could take the few extra min freaks, whatever." I think that they everybody to he the same, Hitler. The honestly see us as one big clump of most hated dictator in history had a crazy kids who are willing to bury our similar idea to make everybody the "...if you hypnotic singing you can see the real message of conformity screaming at y 9U. " true personalities to he like everybody else. And now they are selling us clothes like we are all mindless clones willing to accept anything that we see On the glowing box in front of us These ads then made me think about another person Who wanted Ventura has been trying to explain his comments, hut he refuses to apologi/e. Jesse says he was just being Jesse, Here's part of his explanation, as quoted by the St. Paul Pioneer Press: "When the career politician gets asked a question, they'll give the an swer they're supposed to. The)ll give the answer that's politically correct.... I will give honest answers. not neces sarily politically correct answers." He has a point. There's no telling hose many professional politicians might se cretly he rooting him on: "Go. Jesse. Tell it like it is, buddy." But no pol in his or her right mind would ever publicly admit to agreeing with Ventura's views. For that matter, few politicians would ever get within Are you as tolerant as you perceive yourself to be? While reading Ray Morelli's letter to the editor in your recent edition I was appalled at the things he said. While thinking of what I was going to say I spent a lot of time trying. to figure out a way to avoid sounding like an offended-psycho-leminaii-hi sexual. This is not an attack on Mr. Morelli, I am simply trying to point out that many of his arguments seem extremely flawed. I give him credit for realising that no one deserves to he ridiculed...this is true. Morelli also says that every one deserves respect as a human be ing. I agree with that, too. 1 do not believe that saying that this individual (whom I do not know), and people in the same situation are "troubled" is respectful and positive in any way. look behind the same. He cleverly called it the Aryan Race. People nosy call it Geneiation X. Yuh, that's us. And the basic idea is still the same. individuality. is had. 1, for one do not believe this. Unfortunately, ‘vlicther ou want to admit it or not, we are all, in one wa) ... In The Foot shouting distance of the notion that it's a good idea for public officials to en gage in candid discourse -- on any is sue, much less on sensiti‘e matters such as religion and sexual harassment. Politician' lark of candor, of course, is one of the reasons inany votcrs haN. e seemed so dray.n in recent years to can didates who are percei‘ed as outsiders -- who :UV perceived as iust plain folks. Take Ross Perot -- please. Now hoe's a man who is your average, every - da . N., billionaire and who will speak his mind at the drop of a hat. Perot, don't forget, is the plain-spoken nonpol who gave us the Ret orin Party -- which in turn gave us Jesse Ventura. The leading candidates for the Re form Party's presidential nomination xxxy, making them truly neither men is none or) ()Lir H don't nor women. Or others that are hoe- like it, \ Irunt it. It rcdll\ t. monally the wrong gender. Some that simple directly hurting you or someone you about it really is none of your business. people just feel that they have been horn in the wrong body. 1 do not understand how accepting these people for who they are is dam aging. "Tolerating and accepting DOES NOT mean that you necessar ily agree. There are many things that I tolerate that I do not agree with. something is not directly hurting you or someone you care about, it really utes to locus and get psyched up for the game. They're not having religion forced upon them: they're being in vited to it, and they are always free to decline. If a coach offers his players the opportunity to partake in a "team "What would they they saw their constitution being used to prevent young athletes from publicly pressing their faith?" snack'', he's not force-feeding them, ers of the Constitution granted the is he? people ()Nils nation the right to \\ )1 . - Many of the early people who ship however they choose. What "If something is not OCTOBER 8, 1999, THE BEHREND BEACON, PAGE or another. Colllill'lnillll. Think allol.ll ‘Ol.ll - iriCilLk tut 111,111, Of them like the s;thic musk. wt.] d ' Like the s;mie telt: \ i,iun shtm s'' Dress like 'Ouch. did that olic hit a little clk)se tk) Ii ii e ' \Vt.) all (I() thi. th()ii)Th. it 1) , IL1,11)11 man natui ant hi hC mound people sinuku to,unselves. Noniinc to he ashamed ou seem to lose the 'teal' you in a LainA d uI older people that look just like voU Then it just seems like Minn:. into Collcgc I, supp,h,cti 11l he the hest time of our ll\ es. `• I , k , 1 lessen the experience h\ )1.11 nue All to() , ,t)on vac v, intt) a \A 011(1 k\ 11CIV the \\. ( , 1001CC V. 11l Colll.lllle Our time arni 111111tk. a \\,ol - id C(nliormit dc 1101 111)11111111:111 \ gested. \\nctlicr \ ()LI (he according to the inetita liype. are l'at Buchanan. Donal l I !tint!)l\amen ,t ConilllClllatui/Lvitililll,l. real estate h_\ and a I JOH \o nI hotshul \\ 110 k lit )1 d kit hd, played one utthe ink) \ Ventura. anulhrr IL.gulat to make Ilk 111111 . L! .1 ilk' RCItIIIII top electcd ufliLial ;tiikl cat' hint: nok.l the -- ci)uld ha\ c. 1)cloic hr ,pillcd to l'la\ hoN Just think :thous all thi, tor a mo ment. Roll the names, :tround in 111111 d: Pre , ,ltiellt PI esldillt eSi(ICIII TI111111) Pre,Rlcnt 13‘..itty. 11 one ()I thc,c u" actual) became pre,ideni. Ito‘\. much time do care As for the I rigon signs "pl,lstei - Mg - the Aeadeink: Building, I helped put them up. Wc put signs up !oi university-wide reeogni/eil organi/a lion. Just like es eiv other group \\ have the right to announce our pres ence and inform other students that we arc on campus and accept in" . 4 members. There v+ ere not that man% posters put up. and inan, v,cre do flocked to Ainci ca did so seckiinl religious freedom. They came here because they v‘iinted a home \\here the . ,. could puhlicl actice their re ligion \\ idiom rea ul persecution That is the reason the e011111t,.- think ex- Kate Galle ,1111, ttIC licre v i)u \‘ezt , 111 ‘l. I). I Inc hal \ll IC .111/,1(1 th 0111\ ,111,111(11111 Oi LIS V.1)1 1, , 'ICI C \\. C Ciill Cyli! hail. 11) tit( Lip .1(k. I hop,' 1):, Iht:ir I 1 1 h.) \ Fhc n( i,. WI) \ of to look 111 : rwt Int \ cll. ,it thr Fisk ()I rel . ! \ , tloll , z lhOld on the "Gi I , 01.11 k) [hew_ (lic ans\% , Mirk ht.: rkL ()I 111,1\ Illi ( 'JAI) 1L . ,111% , tit It) get us. 13 111 c Ilic Il ti tid ;Lk: • \ \ k \ iii. I:vCl.vhut 111 I hop.' had \\ C. ,Is d ire Ir()111 IIIC by I) Ii .1.11 IrLIL' \ 1 ) CIOIC ll)() lin , tippo ,, clns i'i'-rld luget lt otit ,)I lii, mouth \\C OA ,11)0(11 Aruun,l. \\ * C 1,110 111:11 1i11k.11,111,111 1, at ICI.III :11111111p01,L \C11;111,1 ,111(1 0011111> 11101 .1 / 4 .'10 \l ht.. ,i)111l.".. 1,) 1/iIIIIIC,II \Ve kito ilidt l I 11111; (Ilk, oil oillehoil) ju I) iii Cl\ tiinr ILL ( 1 1/Clll 1111 111011( 111,: .411 (111 but ‘+,L kno II ii ti).: rolitk. Lin hr 1)1,1> c(I in tllc inov til \\ itkikle Vcillura an I,R)k like it),)(lcl, , )ldecoluil licic Ilie k‘alit t \ a Ilecati , ,e .110,4ei „u',l heticr he preptri2 Ii Awl) him .11,),,1 i 111,2 ILJular \ Iv,uil;i~c.. I)i.;tJv,itual( ,lit)\,tl Ind] i IWII ho hair I ILdilI~~,() 11.111 , !!Llidt'l I LI I\ ,lIC 11) nr rc],t)n,l I pc, ylc ;tic illang np,i, \\ that tlic% Ice! iii c (,) ,is ,In idual. NA Hs!' ck ~ iiwking. \ 11,11)1h. Litt, their kW: ‘ , l !ft \‘ the \ are lh~ it mu,ll,lthillcr. the same I iki ; li;uWL 111,11\ kiu,ll , , Gi‘e tht:lu thL. lhok.L. hc •,()NAithout tell- thcm tihtt 111 Q ;tic .ick 'lit repeat Lot eat her , h,tremient: 01.1(.1on't like it. std . , lion) 11 It ILJII\ is ;v, tc,p;:i. and tulcrance call `2l\ in pL.Vple EIIC CII,IIILC \\ \\ hat they are: ithitut them that the arc - 11(0.11)1Cd - 'II Teel that their lift i, arinormal. ( . 11,0 \ 1),R11 I'ti tnild the\ think if the\ ,i\\ their Ckm.intition hein;.!. iueil 1(1 prevent wtiin.;.:ithlete , .. horn evpress then ' l hev vvouldl probahl),. 1 . 011 cr in thcll .!1.1\• 1 ht! ill A rIO.IIIN that I :all 1)0 ihis situation is the io- Litton io lice speech and re! opon knov, it. the I)le4e \\ ill he outlay.ed in schook and cnts because it nlenu~n„ ( lou can call me a naryidealist .41 \\Jill It but I ha% e , 1 1\\ hch,:\ thal otti yk,as tilik IIL land t II tuct: It is orth tio\\ that I tcahic that this. like so muLlt intoinLmon that has been led to thc merft . .in public lately. is nothin more than a htma of empty \+,k)h.k lost h 1 Id on to the shin hopc !hit oinel)ol\ in a position of art , hall PI( \‘ king. tdcd