THE BEHREND BEACON The Behrend Beacon published weekly by the students of Penn State Erie, The Rehrend College News Editor Shun non Weber Features Editor Deanna Svmoski Wire Services Editor Angela Rush Advertising Managers Erin Edi n ger Care) Smith Photo Editor Jeffrey ,tfiller Kevin Bruner (assistant) Office Manager Brad It fos al Information: The Beacon is published weekly by the students of Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, First Floor, The J. Elmer Reed Union Building, Station Road, Erie, PA 16563. The Beacon can he reached by calling (814) 898-6488 or (814) 898-6019 (FAX). ISSN 1071-9288. A view Career Development Center a great asset to the college As potential employees in the next few years, are you taking full advan tage of all the resources the Career Development Center has to offer? The CDC has services that vary front re sume writing to job placement. The aid that they can give students is un surpassed. If you are in your junior or senior year, you can have the CDC help you prepare your resume and cover letter. Even if you are a fresh man or sophomore, the CDC can help you map out you future plans. Not taking advantage would he det rimental to you. The staff at the Ca reer Development Center is hardworking and very willing to help you in your endeavor at finding fu ture employment. Note To Bars: by Molly Wilkins FSView / Florida State tin' erity There is nothing like seeing a hot guy in a baseball hat. There's a hint of sex appeal and mystery ‘A hen a guy looks up from beneath the brim. HWA - ever, there is a big dillerence it he's out at a club. To most s omen. it's a fashion faux pas right up there v,ith (gag) wearing tennis shoes out. When it comes to club and bar hopping. the rule is hats off, guys. "If a guy is dressed up, a hat doesn't make sense," said Janet Grezlovski, a senior at Florida State University. "There's a time and place for every thing. In the daytime, hats are fine. But seeing a guy at (a popular local hang out) with a baseball cap on lets me know that he's not legal to drink yet." And if they can't buy you a drink, ladies, what is the use of conversation? You see, men, girls have this radar thing going on when they head out. One signal is for the ex-boyfriend, one signal is for his new girlfriend and the final signal is for older guys to buy them drinks. They steer clear of hat heads. Hat heads are also a red alert for bad hair. Why else would a guy be wear ing a baseball cap with his club out fit? "The frat guys wear them to cover ugly haircuts," FSU senior Dave Riley said. Bad haircuts can be the downfall of a guy's social life. If this happens, a guy should not cover up the rat's nest with a hat and go out. He should sit at home until his hair grows out or buy some Dep. "I don't wear hats out. They're stu pid. Mama should have taught you better," sophomore Dave Kandel said. Hats are great for the crack of dawn classes or for cheating on a finance Editor-in-Chief Jason sn‘ de I Managing Editor Michael Frawler Advisors Robert Slice' Jim O'Loughlin Letter Policy: The Beacon encourages letters to the editor. Letters should include the address, phone number. semester standing and major of the writer. Writers can mail letters to hehrcoll2ra' Letters must he received no later than spm Tuesday for inclusion in that week's issue. rom the li Don't let this valuable asset to 13e hrend pass you by. Stop in to the Ca reer Development Center soon and let them help you prepare for the real world outside of Penn State. Guys In Hats Off! test. Abercrombie hats look great with khakis. and hats with the college logo are great lor f oothall games. Fur the eAeriiitt time. need to i - )ort their thou. "Nl\. It iend, \korild not ,land to() inti,_h time n !hide hair FSt mUr /cur., Lohiatlo , Ho)! Hill!! - There time and place for everything. In the daytime, hats are fine. But seeing a guy at (a popular local hang out) with a baseball cap on lets me know that he's not legal to drink vet.'' classes, hats are easy because you don't have to worry about your hair, hut it's not appropriate to wear them While most radar-eyes have been blurred by booze, the girls can spot a hat boy from a mile away. If a fresh man wants to be known as an under age freshman and not approached by the babes, then fine, wear the hat. But what most of the male population is concerned about, second to sex, is picking up a chick at the bar. If this is the case, leave the hat by your bed and put it on in the morning. "We're too busy looking at the girls to he worrying about the hat." FSU senior Dave Riley said. Editorial Page Editor Katie Galley Sports Editors Matt Wlertel Craw Hitzeht (asststanti Calendar Page Editor tk Hu Lur k Business Manager Kristine Hariikal Associate Editor Ekabeth ll me Distribution Manager ficulet ker hthouse - Janet Greilovski, senior at Florida State Univ. EDITORIAL The voice o The reasoning behind the insanity I know that most of you reading this column arc expecting to find one of my normal tirades directed at a por tion of campus that in sonic way has caused offense, in my opinion, since I last wrote a column, hut unfortunately I am going to have to disappoint you. From the comments that I have re ceived in the past few weeks concern ing my recent "Bitchin' by Mike" col umn (YI3/991, it seems that everyone just thinks that I am a mean, vindic tive person, and all that I enjoy doing is attacking other people whenever the mood strikes me. I know that it is a very rare occurrence for me to say something nice about someone or something, hut 1410 have some nice things to say now, ❑t least relatively nice (please, no one faint). The reason that I never seem to have thing good to say is that the only wit to get had things changed is to let people know that these things will not go unchallenged. II I wrote a happ\ sugar coated column every seek. and nes er called attention to the problems on campus. would they ever gel. fixed . ' In my opinion. no they ouldn't. One of the purposes of a college ness Timer is to serve as a mechanism of change for the school. The paper should give the students a voice. which is hard lor the adminis tration to ignore. and I reel that we should take advantage of this voice. The sad thing is. many students just don't seem to care about what goes on at I3ehrend at all. The level of school spirit on this campus runs amaiingl) low. Our sports teams get almost no support, except for a few die-hard fans, and the various on cam pus iieti‘ hies that itre put on by cam pus organi/ations go largely underattenticd Wln, is this? Is it he- Cause Vic alt.: a satellite campus of "nMilitC Penn State, so \+C locus all Rush to roc road Handling a rowdy roommate A sear of college can he frustrating enough sA idiom has Mg the hassles of dealing with a roommate. Simple problems can turn into huge disasters ss hen roommates don't get along. But metal! it can he a rewarding experi ence. Yeah right. is probably what sou are thinking.) Of course. there is aiss ass the chance that son were blessed \A ith a roommate Of your choice. Whether you were friends be- Dore or just nivel for the first time when hecome roommates. living to tlctlier successlulk calls for sincere el lons tov,ard compromke and coop eration. I)on't cxpect that your room- mate \+. ill he \ our hest friend. It's nice \w hen it happens, hut it's not the norm. From personal experience I can tell you that arranging your lifestyles around someone else can he difficult. Like many people returning or just starting college this year. I came hack not knowing \kilo my roommate was. At first. I v. as dreading coming hack, just because I knew I would he start ing with someone new. I did not even knov, who my roommate was until I received a letter from her, informing me that we would he rooming to gether. I will admit that I am lucky because my roommate and I get along wonderfull),.. Still I have found that problems arise when you live with another person, hut there arc ways of SEPTEMBER 17, 1999 of our support on them, with nothing left over for what is going on right here at home? I certainly hope not. In the words of Dean Lilley to a stu dent who had just return from what he called main campus, "University Park is not main campus, this is main campus. - A vast amount of the stu dents who pursue their studies at Be !trend are planning to complete their degrees here. We need to support our school, and work to change the cam pus for the better. We can just sit hack and let the ad ministration shape the campus the way that they feel is hest, and don't get me wrong, they have done a lot of positive things for the school. But unless we make ourselves heard, our ideas might not he a part of their plans. They won't know what se want. So whenever 1 see something vs rong on campus. or something that could he changed to make the campus better. I write about it. And thus "Bitchin' by Mike - was horn! Most likely, there will he people on campus w Ito don't agree with my views (and some of you are very vo cal about it). 'Then let yourself be heard and write a letter to the editor. Contrary to popular belief we try to print eery letter that we receive, but letters are lew and far between. That is what the paper is here for, to ex Angela Rush dealing with these issues. In a civil manner. hopefully. One common problem between roommates can he room cleanliness. Sometimes someone who is really a neat person ends up with someone that is messy, or maybe one of you is a neat freak. Whatever the circum stances are, both need to discuss the subject of cleaning. Discuss who cleans what and when. Divide all the cleaning responsibilities. If someone isn't doing his/her part, do not wait around or leave a note. Talk it over with each other. Do not create hard feelings and increase problems: work at solving them. Students should re member that they arc not living alone and that roommates have responsibili ties to each other. Conflicting schedules seem to cre ate another problem among room mates. Roommates definitely need to reason Rush is the Wire Sent, e 114thorlor the Beau on. Her a))/)curs et en three eek press the views of the students. Hunt ing me down. and complaining to me that you don't agree with what I wrote will get you nowhere. First of all, if I took the time to write an entire col umn about a topic, then I am pretty set in my views. I most likely won't change my mind, so save your breath. Second, ranting to me insanely about something I wrote most likely will piss me off, and you could find your self the subject of a "Bitchin' by Mike" column dealing with the amaz ing amount of stupidity that can be found at Bchrend (and I really don't have the time to write a column that long, hell I'd need half of the paper to do it justice!) But, don't get me wrong, Behrend is a great school. If I didn't feel this way, then I wouldn't he going here. The faculty and administration are constantly striving to provide us with a quality educational experience, and there arc many individuals who are constantly working to make this cam pus even better. This is my fourth year at Behrend, and the amount of change that has taken place in this short pe riod of time is terrific. The adminis tration is trying to take Behrend into the 21st century, unfortunately, stu dents (with a few exceptions) just do not seem to want to get involved with these changes. But there are a few people who really do not get the credit that they deserve. Ken Miller, the Acting Dean of Stu dent Affairs, is, in my opinion, one of the hardest working people on this campus. He should become the per manent Dean of Student Affairs for the amount of work that he puts into his job. His energy and drive have helped to make this school what it is today. The Student Affairs office runs many programs that greatly benefit the student body, such as coordinat- discuss sleeping hours and work schedules with the other. Let one an other know what type of person you are, morning or night. Remember to keep in mind that showing respect and being courteous to your roommate sets an example of how you want to he treated. One of the biggest problems I have found is that a student's study time varies. When one of you wants to re- lax and veg out in front of the TV and the other needs to study, and if that person does not want to leave the room then compromise needs to come into play. If neither of you want to leave then you need to figure out a time schedule in which you both can agree for studying times, TV time, or quiet time. Another alternative would he that you alternate nights in which one of you leaves to study in the li brary or study lounge. I personally can't study with the TV on and I tell my roommate if I need time to study and she completely respects that. And I would do the same for her if she needed me to. Have you ever had a roommate that borrowed something and never re turned it? As you can imagine, this can create problems. I know I would be upset if someone did not return some thing that I lent them. Find out your roommate's feelings about lending Send all letters to the editor to: bebrcoll2@aolcom ing the Freshman Interest Group pro gram (which is near and dear to my heart), working as an advisor to the Student Government Association, and just taking time out of his schedule to listen to students' ideas. Thank you Ken for all of your hard work, it does not go unnoticed, and I, for one, ap preciate all of the help you have pro vided me with this year. There are other people I could men tion here, but by now most of you reading this must be wondering how all of my ramblings in this column tie together. If you haven't figured it out yet, I feel that Behrend is a great place to be going to school, but there are always ways that we can make things better. But we does not mean only the administration, it means all of us; students, faculty, and administration together. We need to all get involved to make a difference. So next time you read something on this page that questions why some thing on campus is done the way it is (a.k.a. me hitchin' again about some thing or other), don't view it as an out and out attack by some insane editor with an urge to bitch, it is a sugges tion for something that could he changed to make the school a better place (and yes, sometimes it will sound somewhat irate, as I said I like to hitch). I know that I don't have all of the right answers, hut I still feel that I should try to help bring about change though my hitchin'. Who knows, maybe some of my ideas might actu ally he right, and if not, I'm sure all of our loyal readers will let me know. P.S. - Don't worry, for all of you who enjoy reading my "Bitchin' by Mike" column, it will appear again soon, as there are many things on campus that could he changed, and I almost always feel the urge to hitch. his/her belongings to other people including you. These items include clothes, money, hair dryers, stereos, cars, etc. Some roommates don't mind lending to their roommates but do mind lending to other people. Find out. Let your roommates know your feelings. Don't he afraid to talk to your roommate and let him/her know what you are feeling. Imagine your roommate having a brunch of friends show up out of the blue. You were just settling down to study but now there is so much noise and commotion go ing on. This would annoy me if I was trying to study. Discussing times in which each of you can have friends visit will ensure that they will not be coming at an inconvenient time for you. Communication is the key to re solving and avoiding all roommate conflicts. It is better to discuss prob lems as they arise and not to bottle them up to the point that it creates ten sion between your roommate and yourself. Remember that by showing common courtesy and compromising, you can create an atmosphere in which the two of you can live com fortably. Remember you have to live with this person for the rest of the year so make the best of it, and I wish you all the best of luck. PAGE 4